Chapter Thirteen

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Hey friends!!:)) Happy Thanksgiving!!:)) I'm so grateful for all you guys voting, commenting, and even reading my story!:)) I never knew I'd get over 200 reads!:)) I'm so thankful once again everyone! God bless you all! And I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I'll try and fix errors ASAP! SO bare with then for now, but without further ado! ENJOY!:D


Ellie's POV (Lessia)

I bolted out the door and all I heard was,
"Oh shit!"
It was so epic! Shelly called me and I found out that her and Eric met up and decided to hang out, but me being with Liam and him going all Neanderthal on me I had to leave. Eric already knew that Liam would of went somewhere expensive because it would provide more security that way and he even knew that we would get stuck together. I was so pissed off because he ruined the quote on quote, "Don't tell anyone where I am" crap! I'm so going to kill him. Well they're outside already and I'm so close to the door I can feel Liam's presence close! Everyone in the lobby and elevator was looking at me like I was a crazy person because I was all jumpy in the elevator and acting like a ninja in the hallways and lobby, but I didn't care I had to escape! For one I don't want him getting hurt by Martin, second of all I didn't want him to go all "you're mine," and third of all who doesn't like a good chase with the man of your dreams! Eric and Shelly were already laughing holding at me. Eric was in the driver’s seat and Shelly was in the front passenger seat the back passenger door was already wide open for me and right when I hopped in and closed the door Liam was exiting the hotels doors telling me not to get in the car. Well guess what I screamed go! And off we went back home to Milwaukee of course. When I finally settled myself in and put my seat belt on Shelly turned around and faced me saying,
"Hey! How's you and Liam?"
I looked out the window and watched the moon chase Eric's car and said,
"Shell.... I don't even know?"
Placing my hands in my face I felt the tears coming and I felt the pull to make Eric turn back around and jump into Liam's warm embrace.
"Do you love him?"
Shelly said softly.
I looked up and saw sincerity in her eyes and my heart began racing and my face went warm, I bet I'd be as red as a tomato if it wasn't so dark outside.
"Yes I love him Shell...."
I said sighing in defeat.
Shelly started bouncing in her seat and Eric was grinning from ear to ear.
"Then don't let *cough* *cough* Martin to stop you!"
I looked at Shelly and smiled. Shelly was the only person I told about Martin and she was right I've been hiding hand running for six years! I've been through hell and back, heart ache and heartbreak, and I'm good I've healed and I'm stronger. I smiled and looked at Shelly saying,
"You're right Shell! I love him and I'm not letting him go!"
"Well that's good!"
Eric said.
"Because he's right outside your door right now and you have some explaining to do."
Shelly said bouncing up and down in her seat clapping her hands smiling;
"Now I want you to tell me everything that happens tonight! Alright! Even the hot and sticky stuff!"
I swear my eyes almost popped out of my eye sockets and my mouth was opened so wide it touched the floor. I playfully slapped her arm and reached over to hug her and then I reached over to hug Eric and thanked the both of them for everything. They just smiled and when I got out of the car they drove off rolling their windows down screaming,
I swear Liam laughed so loud that the streets echoed. I unlocked the door to my house and offered him to come in which he happily obliged to. When I finally locked my door and the dead bolt I threw my purse on my counter and offered him a drink. He just walked over to my cream colored couches slumped down and said,
I raised a brow curiously saying,
"Green tea?"
He turned around and faced me saying,
"You know it!"
I chuckled and started boiling the water placing two big mugs on the island placing two green tea bags in. I walked over to the living room smiling saying,
"Lee the tea should be ready in..."
I saw him peacefully sleeping. I crept over to him and ran my hand softly down his smooth skin. He still looks the same just manlier and mature. I smiled and slowly trailed his lips and when I realized what I was doing and that his piercing light brown eyes were watching my every move I lifted my hand and smiled blushing. Liam sat up and slowly leaned into my face as I closed my eyes I could feel his minty breath close to my mouth and I swear you could hear my heart beat that was going 200 beats a second. Right when his lips were going to hit mine the kettle whistled. I opened my eyes and he was looking at me if I moved a millimeter our lips would have touched and had a full blown make out session.
"I should get that..."
I trailed off at the ends and slowly backed up and turned off the stove grabbing the kettle and poured the boiling water into the two mugs. Right when I was about to reach for the mugs I felt Liam's strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer to his embrace. I yelped in surprise and he placed his chin on top of my head.
"Why'd you run El?"
He said sounding hurt.
I slowly turned around facing him and his face looked pained I slowly raised my hand and placed it on his face. He leaned against the white wall and closed his eyes and I whispered,
"I love you."
I didn't know if this would settle his question, I didn't know if he could hear the sincerity in my voice or see the love in my eyes and when he opened his eyes to study my face to see if I was lying he leaned in and kissed me. The kiss wasn't rough or forced; it was sweet, passionate, and sincere. The kiss didn't escalate nor did it go full blown make out session it was just lip to lip. A smile crept on my lips and he smirked slowly moving away from me. I whimpered a little bit because when he left I felt cold. Oh my goodness I sound like an obsessed, crazy, GIRLFRIEND! He slowly walked into the living room and then I realized that I had loads of his movies and magazines nicely piled in its own section in my living room. (I know what you're thinking the LIVING ROOM! Well yep that's where it was!)
"Liam don't go!"
I screamed, but it was too late. He was there and he saw everything!
"Someone's been stalking me?"
He said smirking holding the latest magazine that held his interview in it.
I said shifting my weight from one foot to the other,
"It was Eric?"
Dang it why did it sound more like a question then a fact!
"Umm? Yeah I'm just going to go to sleep?"
I said.
Then as I was slowly turning away I was swooped up bridal style and carried up the stairs.
"Where's your room princess?"
He said smiling.
"All the way down the left hallway."
I said yawning.
He smiled again and held me closer as I leaned into his hard, but comfy chest.
"Goodnight Lee."
I said as I was put on my bed and soon I felt a dip in it and assumed it was Liam.
"Goodnight Shortcake. I love you."
And that's when I fell asleep.


Lol! I know this chapter was kinda draggy! But it was more like a filler! Once again I wanna thank you guys for Gavin the heart to actually read my story and I wanna thank you guys for giving it a shot! Happy thanks giving friends! God bless!:))

It would mean the world to me if you like, vote, and comment!:))

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