Chapter 1

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"Hey Ann, have you asked any book publisher to check out your latest book yet?" Lily asked me, seemingly inquisitive, as we walked side by side on the pavement.

"No. I still have to write the epilogue of the book, and also I'm too lazy to beg some company to publish my book," I stated simply in a monotonous tone.

Lily sighed and put forth her point, "You're a good writer, Ann. Don't let your past ruin your present. Let people know that you have some talent and you're not some sister killer or something."

I narrowed my brown eyes at her, giving her a warning that, 'Don't bring my past into this,' and she immediately shut her mouth.

I let out a heavy breath as we entered the coffee shop and sat on a table. I really dislike it whenever she casually brings up my dreadful years.

The waitress came to take our order. Lily ordered a cup of coffee and I didn't take anything.

Lily glared at me with those fiery hazel eyes of her as she said, "You seriously need to eat something. If I'd met you before you arrived here, I would surely push you to eat. I don't know what the monsters filled your brain with that you've become like this."

I kept silent the whole time as the waitress brought Lily her coffee. Lily whispered a thanks as she received her coffee and took a sip.

"I don't know what they add in this but seriously, this shop makes the best coffee ever," Lily uttered in delight, with her expression showing so much of enjoyment that a little part of me had a craving to taste coffee as well.

After we talked continuously about books and she finished drinking her coffee, we kept the money on the table and left the shop.

"So, what do you plan on writing in the epilogue?" Lily asked me as I stood by the road trying to find a taxi.

"Hmm, it's not going to be some fairy tale ending with a happily ever after, it's going to be a sad ending of course," I replied nonchalantly.

"You seriously need to cut down on the number of sad books you write," Lily told me just as I shouted for a taxi.

"It's the way my mind works. My mind, my book, my plot." I stated with a sharp look before I sat inside the taxi, leaving behind a Lily who looked at me with pity in her eyes.

Oh, how much I hate pity. I said to myself.

I watched the view outside from the window as we passed by the busy London streets. I switched back to my day-dreaming mode as I pondered about the words that Lily had said to me earlier.

Don't let your past ruin your present.

I don't know what the monsters filled your brain with.

You seriously need to cut down on the number of sad books you write.

But can I really change what has once been broken and ruined?


I gave the money to the taxi driver and thanked him. I entered the building and walked up the stairs towards the third floor, my mind being distracted with several unwanted thoughts. Once I reached, I put the key in the keyhole and finally stepped inside my flat.

I closed the door behind me and hung my coat on the stand, muttering in an unappreciative tone as I took in the messy state of my flat. I walked to my bedroom and laid down on my bed, thankful for getting a time to be myself at last.

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. You might be confused as to why my life turned upside down like this? Well, let me enlighten you.

After Hailey's death, everyone started abandoning me, blaming me for her death. People started bullying me at school, calling me names like murderer, loser, lazy and what not.

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