Chapter 6

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The sky was as black as my soul. The night was stormy. The rain was falling heavily. The thunder and lightning terrified me. I was on the edge of a cliff, and the sea water below me was flowing dangerously. The land behind me was trembling. There was nowhere I could turn to. I was trapped. I was lost.

Just then, a figure started running towards me. I could recognize her anywhere. Light brown hair, chocolate brown eyes and height equal to mine. She was my twin. She was Hailey.

I stared at her in disbelief. Did she really come back to save me? "Hail!" I shouted before I started running towards her. I need her.

Hail immediately stopped and raised her hand forward, signalling me to stop as well. I stopped running as I looked at her with tears clouding my eyes. Why did she stop me? Does she not want me to be with her? Confusion was evident in my eyes.


"Stop it, Hannah. I'm dead. You shouldn't be hung on to my memories. Leave it alone. I just came back here to warn you about him. He's back, Ham. He ruined me, he ruined us, now he's here to ruin you. Please take care of your life, Hannah. As long as you live, a part of me will be alive too. Goodbye," she said before she ran past me and in a second jumped off the cliff and into the water. No! Come back!

"Hailey!" I shouted on the top of my lungs as I woke up and sat on my bed. Deep breathes, Hannah. It was only just a dream.

Just a nightmare.

I steadied my breathing as I looked at the clock on the table beside my bed and noticed that the time was 1:07 am.

The same time Hailey was declared dead.

I shivered as I thought of the nightmare again. My hands were as cold as ice but my face was covered with my sweat. I tried calming myself down as my whole body continued to tremble. I looked out the window to see the same stormy weather outside. I recalled the cliff. The running water. Hailey.

Then I remembered Hailey's words.

"He's back, Ham. He ruined me, he ruined us, now he's here to ruin you. Please take care of your life, Hannah."

Is the he which she's talking about, the same M?

Oh, of course. He murdered her, it's obvious she was talking about him.

Anger and sadness overtook me once again as I remembered the point of 'M' murdering her. I screamed out of frustration as I held my face in my hands and broke into tears. My life is such a mess.

Why did you do that you heartless 'M'! Do you have any idea how broken I am after her death? And she wasn't gone in an accident as everyone believed, YOU killed her!

She was such a pure soul, she would think twice before even hurting an ant, and such a beautiful person was murdered. Why does fate have to be so cruel?

I'm really tired of my life.

Everyone abandoned me because they said I killed her, saying if I'd gone to the supermarket instead of Hailey she would've been alive today. The reality being, the accident didn't kill her, but someone called 'M' did.

Is that why he kept apologizing? No matter how many times he apologizes, I'll never forgive him. But no, he isn't sorry. That was a facade. He clearly mentioned it in the latest letter. What has he even achieved ending Hail's life and making my life hell? But wait, how did he even kill her?

I went into a mode of confusion as I thought about that day. The hospital people said she was killed in an accident. Or did they lie? Or wait. Did M purposefully hit his car on Hailey?

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