Chapter 22

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"Alice!" I shouted as soon as I reached her house.

Everything looked very messy. The windows were broken and the glass was shattered everywhere. Maybe he entered their house through their window.

Freaking M. If something bad happens to Alice, I'll not leave him alive at any cost.

I didn't care to remove my shoes, I simply ran inside. In between I was about to fall due to a piece of broken vase but I didn't care, I still ran inside.

When I reached the kitchen I saw knives everywhere. On the kitchen counter, on the dining table... even on the wall. It looked like someone was trying to throw the knife at something.

I widened my eyes. No...

"Alice!" I kept on shouting at the top of my lungs. I ran and searched the whole house, except for the first floor.

I ran up the stairs and first opened Alice's elder sister, Emily's room.

She was sleeping, a sight that made me relax.

But wait... was she really sleeping?

I slowly removed the blanket off her and then saw red...

Her arm was bleeding dangerously. She wasn't sleeping, she fainted.

I ran out of the room and entered Alice's smaller sister, Angel's room. She was not there.

Then I entered Alice's cousin brother's room, and he was not there too. Probably the both of them were at school.

At last I entered Alice's room.

I stood still in the same position in shock. I couldn't believe the sight in front of me.

Alice lying down with her gaze fixated on the ceiling, a knife stabbed at her back.

I slowly walked towards her and extended my hand. I shook her and she did not respond.

"Alice, I know you're awake. Don't play stupid jokes on me, they might work on John, but not me. Hey, buddy, why is there so much sauce here?" I kept on blabbering non-sense as slowly tears were spilling out of my eyes.

I went to Alice's parents' room, and luckily they were not there.

He attacked Alice and her sister. This time I won't leave him.

I quickly called for an ambulance. I tried to pull away the knife from her back but failed. I'm sorry, Alice.

I hugged Alice and started crying. I cried a lot. My clothes got soaked in her blood but I didn't care. I just sat there with her in my arms. I kept on whispering her name, knowing it's useless now.

Alice, my good friend. He... He dared to stab her. Emily, who was just like an elder sister to me, she's also suffering now because of me. They don't deserve to die because of me. Maybe... Mom was right years ago. I'm a bad luck, I'm the cause for everyone's deaths. Hailey died, and now Alice and her sister.

Alice, I'm so sorry. I wish he killed me, not you. I'm so sorry... So sorry....


"Hey, she's waking up!" I heard someone shout.

I woke up and saw that I'm sitting on a hospital chair. Wait, what?

I blinked my eyes and then saw Mary, Sherry and John here, all of them looking at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, thank goodness you're awake," Mary said as she came towards me and gave me a bone crushing hug, followed by Sherry and John.

"Wait, why am I here?" I asked once we pulled away from our group hug.

The Mystery LettersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora