Chapter 7

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I took a sharp breath as I picked up the letter and went inside my flat. I closed the door behind me and kept the letter on a nearby table.

I went inside my bedroom and laid on my bed for a moment. I closed my eyes and let myself relax before I got up and went to the hall. I need calmness to open the letter now or else I might just rip it to pieces hoping that M would be ripped apart too just like his inked letter.

I took the letter and sat on the couch. I might just name my couch as 'The Letter Couch'. Stupid Hannah, thinking about naming couches when a letter from her sister's killer has arrived. I ripped the edge of the envelope and took the letter out and glared daggers at it for no reason.

I took deep breathes and started reading the letter,

Dear Hannah,

Oh! I'm so scared! Help me please! Someone is constantly throwing dangerous glares at me.

Haha. Relax, my dear Ham. I bet you're glaring at this letter while reading it now.

Anyways, I wanted to ask, how are you? Now I don't want that cliche answer of 'I'm fine' or 'I'm not fine'.

I mean to say, how are you after getting to know that I killed your lovely sister?

Not taking the news well? And dear, waking up at 1:07 am in the midnight isn't good for health. I mean, dreaming nightmares is okay, but getting up and crying a flood with sweat all over your face isn't nice.

I bet you dreamt something of Bailey, didn't you? Oh wait, is her name Hadley? Sorry, I forgot that her name is HAILEY.

By the way, this letter is getting too big and my hands are paining.

Yippee! Concluding time!

I'd like to conclude with,



I angrily crumpled the letter and threw it away before laying down on my couch. This M, whoever he is, is stalking me every second. But how? Is he hidden in my walls? He might as well be watching me right now. He is so jobless that he took up the job of being obsessed with making a 22 year old's life hell.

Is he a psycho person? First he gave the vibe of a guilty criminal by apologizing, and now he wants to get on my nerve and stalk me to no extent?

I closed my eyes as I thought about how life was so good when Hail was here. There was always a feeling of assurance that my other half is there for me no matter what. Then that assurance was ripped away on the day M decided to end the little angel. No doubt after moving here, life in London was good too with friends who cared, until I was blessed with a letter and a stalker.

All of a sudden I couldn't help but recollect a memory that held such levels of preciousness. I held back my tears as I thought of the beautiful moments spent with none other than Hailey.

"Hey, Ham, look! It's a sea shell!" Hail shouted to me, sitting near the sea shore a few metres away and I ran towards where she was.

I sat down beside her on the sand and the both of us looked in awe at the beautiful sea shell which was currently held in Hail's palms.

"It's beautiful," I whispered in astonishment.

"Yeah, just like us," she flaunted while flipping her hair and we giggled.

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