Chapter 23

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"So what did he say to you in your last call?" Officer Matt asked me.

"He greeted me and asked me how I was. I said I was great, and then we talked for hours like those teenagers in their high school." I replied sarcastically.

Officer Matt heaved an exasperated sigh and said, "What else can I expect from this sarcasm bag?"

I replied with an obvious tone, "Of course he did the same 'I'll make your life hell' blah blah just to scare me. Though this time maybe he had attended a few more moral classes, as he gave me his inspirational speech of 'I always stick to my words'. But I made it clear that I won't get affected by his chicken nugget talks anymore."

"Wow. You've become brave," Officer Matt said while giving slow claps.

I simply shrugged. He crossed the line by hurting one of the people I care the most about, Alice. It's time I get back at him.

I was playing with a piece of decorative rock when an officer from Chicago, I think his name is Officer Shane, entered the room with an envelope in his hand.

"He has sent you a letter, Hannah," he said while handing over the letter to me.

I took the envelope from his hand and ripped its edge before retrieving the letter. Then I started reading it,


It's been a long time since I sent a letter. You missed reading my 'M' letters, didn't you? Get it? Mystery letters? Haha.

I see that you've grown a backbone and now you won't be afraid of me anymore. Nice then, this game just got more interesting.

We've made a deal, you won't lay an eye on Macy as long as I won't hurt your friends. But you turned out to be actually very dumb.

Well, anyways, I already knew you were dumb. What a lovely scenario this is, right? A psycho writing a letter to a retard. How wonderful.

My main target was your mom, always your mom. And you didn't say anything about me hurting your parents, so I guess now I have a valid reason to hurt her.

You might be thinking why all of a sudden I got a plan to kill your mom. It's not sudden, Hannah. It was always on my mind.

I would've killed you instead of Hailey, but I got to know Hailey was much more of sweetheart to your dad than you, so I knew her loss would affect your dad deeply.

And I'm going to take your mom away from you too, for forever...


"Mom?" I whispered as soon as I finished reading the letter, forgetting my past just for a moment. Is he going to kill mom now?

"What's written in that?" Officer Matt asked me just as I passed him the letter.

"Lazy bug," he mumbled before he took the letter in his hands and started reading it.

"Suddenly from where did your mom enter this situation?" He said after he finished reading it and kept it aside.

"What do I know? As far as I know he was a rival of dad's business. But for what is he continuously telling about revenge, I have no idea," I stated.

A moment later we called mom and dad to the station. When they arrived mom was beyond shock when she read the letter.

"What did I do? I didn't even know him until a few days ago. Why does he want to kill me?" mom exclaimed as she started to panic.

Dad put a hand on mom's shoulder but she didn't seem to relax. "Calm down. He won't kill you. Maybe this is another way of his to scare us," dad said as he caressed mom's head with his other hand.

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