Chapter 18

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Hey! I'm back with an update. Just a note, once again this story is completely fictional and again I'm bringing the topic that I have 0% idea of how the occupation of the characters of this story actually works. First I didn't know what book publishers do so I just used my imagination. Here too I don't know at all how the police officers work and whatsoever. So remember all this is completely just from my imagination.

I hope you have liked this story by far :) Enjoy!


I couldn't describe the feeling I felt at that moment. Shock, anger, sadness and hatred, they were all overtaking my emotions. I can't believe he would do as cruel a thing such as kidnapping Lily. I said to myself I won't let anyone suffer because of me, but now Lily is in danger.

Officer Matt folded the letter and looked at me with a serious look. He then took out his phone and dialled a number. A few moments later he spoke,

"This is Officer Matt handling the Hannah Lawrence case. I have called to report a kidnap case here, yes the same M who injured Hannah and her friend... M has kidnapped Hannah's friend and has written a letter about a meeting tomorrow... yes, I'll be right there."

He hung up and looked at me before speaking, "I have to go to the police station and give them this letter so that they can investigate some things to navigate M's location. You take rest, buddy." He patted my shoulders before leaving.

Honestly, I hardly heard what he said. The only thing in my mind was Lily, Lily and Lily.

I looked over at Sherry who had his face buried in his palms and he was shaking so violently I thought he might explode anytime now. Alice looked worried and Mary was panicking. John seemed lost in thoughts.

Then I remembered the last time we met, which in truth was nearly a month ago, and recalled her bitter words,

"You betrayed me, Hannah."

"I thought we were friends."

"I trusted you, Hannah."

"Do you know how much it hurts?"

I slowly sat on the bed and looked at my arm. Tears were threatening, no, desperate to come out, but I held them. I promised I would be strong. I promised Hailey I would fight. And I will. I will not let anything happen to Lily, even though we're not at the best terms now.

I can't let one moment of misunderstanding to senselessly ruin our five years of friendship.

My voice came out cracked, but I managed to say, "Can you call Dr. Liv and ask whether I can move around?"

John nodded and the next moment he was out the door. I looked at Sherry and it hurt me to see him so broken at this moment.

"I'll never forgive myself if something happens to Lily," Sherry whispered.

"The cliche-est dialogue ever," I said, trying to lighten up the environment.

Alice cracked a smile and said, "How can you joke in this situation?"

I shook my head as I felt endless guilt overcoming me, "It's just... I'm feeling incredibly bad and regretful now. Lily was always there for me, and I did a very bad thing by hiding a secret so big from her. I was always quiet and depressed causing my surrounding people to worry about me, and it made me happy that there were people who fret about me. I was so selfish. My selfishness lost me Hailey, I guess. And now I'm gonna lose Lily too. Goodness, I'm feeling so like a female dog right now."

"Hey, don't call yourself a dog. But I'm glad that you understood," Alice said honestly, and her eyes held no sort of displeasure. Instead, I saw pride in them. Perhaps she felt proud that I didn't break down into tears right now and stayed calm and strong.

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