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Five years later...

"Hey Hannah, where in world are you? Oh wait, are you lost? Or worse, are you robbed or kidnapped? Hannah! You don't need to be scared, tell me, who is the kidnapper? Don't fear him, tell me, where are you? Otherwise is Mark's ghost there?! Mark's back? Or probably Macy! Oh my HANNAH ARE YOU REALLY GETTING KIDNAPPED NO-"

"For once, Lily, will you let me speak?" I cut her off while a smile was forming on my face. Same old Lily.

"So, where are you? We've been waiting for you since the past 30 minutes!"

I checked my wrist-watch and saw that the time was 3:10 p.m. I sighed and shook my head. It's only been ten minutes.

"My sweet little Lily flower, I told you that I left at 3 'o' clock, and it's been only ten minutes. Don't think that I won't catch it. Liar liar pants on fire."

"Blah blah, now tell me, where are you?"

"Turn around."

I smiled as I entered the coffee shop just as Lily turned over. She widened her eyes and screamed, "Hannah!"

Some people turned around to look at me or Lily and I quickly bent my head low and tightened my scarf around my neck. Lily really knows how to embarrass me.

I quietly walked down to our sweet old table. One thing I like about this cafe is that it hasn't changed even a bit in these past years. Even the spot of our table is the same old spot, by the window.

As I was about to reach the table someone stopped me and asked, "Are you the Hannah Lawrence? The writer of 'When Stars Arrive' and 'The Mystery Letters'?"

I smiled and nodded.

As the girl opened her mouth and was about to scream I quickly bent and shut her mouth, "Hey, but for today I'm just an ordinary girl who is going to meet her friends. So please let me be normal for a day and spend time with my friends."

The girl smiled at what I said and nodded. She proceeded to take out a notebook and asked for my autograph. I signed as I smiled at her and then finally went and sat in my same old place.

"Who was she?" Lily asked me once I sat down.

"She knew who I am and was about to shout my name. I quickly silenced her saying that for today I'm just a normal girl," I replied.

Alice laughed and said, "But Mary is definitely not the normal one here today."

I looked ahead to see a group of friends attacking Mary for an autograph at the entrance of the shop. She quickly signed for all of them and then ran towards us.

Once Mary sat down we all started laughing at her face. She looked as if she just escaped from being eaten by a monster.

"Oh shut up you three. I tried my best to hide my face and act normal but one guy on the bus shouted, 'It's Mary Spark!' and like that I had to give autograph to all the passengers, including the bus driver. As much as I love all my fans with all my heart, they can get a little tiring at some times."

"Aw... it's okay. We feel you." I said cheekily while caressing her back jokingly and she hit me on my head.

"Oww." I said as I rubbed my head.

"I told you to shut up." She said simply with her eyes narrowed at me.

I changed the topic asking, "Is this friend together only for the four of us today?"

"Nope. John and Sherlock have to arrive still." Alice replied.

"Yeah. Sherry said that he has to do some book signing work before coming here. Maybe that's why it's taking him so long." Lily said.

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