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I'm really missing Erica but I can't keep goin back to her if all she is going to cheat on me all the time and think it's cool.

I was lurking through Instagram and seen a picture of Erica pop up. Damn she looks so good.

I decided to comment, "Cute 😍."

And moved on.

Surprised she didn't text me or DM me. 

I got out of my bed and put my phone in my bra going to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth, then I turned the light out slipping into some night shorts, a different sports bra, and a pair of socks. I put my hair into a quick messy bun and then grabbed my phone going downstairs.

Paige was at the stove making breakfast, and her daughter/ my first niece, Clare was on her iPad at the table eating grapes.

Clare is 4 years old. Paige is also a single parent. Paige and her ex-boyfriend, Michael isn't together anymore because of cheating as always.

But yeah , they co-parent. Paige usually have Clare until Thrusday, then from Friday to Sunday, Michael gets Clare.

It's pretty fair if you ask me.

Clare is such a sweetheart too.

I always wanted a family with Erica, but as the relationship was passing and things were real bumpy, a kid wasn't good at the moment.

"Goodmorning guys." I said. Clare looked at me and grinned.

"Morning Auntie Nai." She said and I kissed her forehead.

"Goodmorning." Paige said and I smiled and stood next to her looking over in the pots.

"Ouu , Whatcha cooking?" I asked and Paige laughed closing them and putting the spoon down.

"I'm cooking Clare'd favortie before my baby girl leaves. Marconi and Cheese with chicken nuggets and she smiled at Clare and I sat on the counter in awe.

"Sounds yummy."

"It is. Especially the way mommy makes it." We all laughed.

"So , how did she react when you broke down the news to her yesterday?" Paige asked referring to the situation with Erica.

Okay so look the plan was to break up with Erica for  good and never get back together ..but I couldn't.

I just want to take break and maybe somehow from me leaving, she'll have enough time to truly think things through this time so we can get back on track.

If someone else comes along before that, then so he it.

But I'm NOT giving up on Erica. I can't. I have so many feelings that just can't go away.

"Actually...I didn't really stick to...the plan." I looked down at the floor. I then looked back up at Paige who had a huge frown on her face.

"What do you mean to didn't stick to the plane Naomi?" I sighed.

"I just told her were on break..." Paige let out a long stressful sigh.

"Nai I told you -"

"No but look , maybe this time she can really fix her mistakes because she really looked heartbroken when I was leaving." I said and Paige shook her head.

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