Welcome to Sozin Fighting Academy

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Sozin Fighting Academy, named after a previous headmaster but not just any headmaster. This headmaster decided to create the most prestigious fighting academy in the country. An academy that includes sword skills, different forms of martial arts, and all forms of bending: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. 


"Katara, wait up!" I turned around and saw Suki, running towards me. She was one of my closest friends and you do not want to start a fight with her. She studies the art of Tessenjutu with the use of metal fans and is one of the nicest people I've ever met. The Tessenjutu simply makes her badass.

"Hey Suki, how's it going?" Once she reached me, she pulled out a piece of paper and basically shoved it into my face.

"I got an A on that paper you helped me out with last week!" Suki basically shouted, gaining some looks in the hall.

"That's great, Suki!" I responded in a quieter voice hoping she would get the hint. The slight blush on her cheeks gave me the idea that she did.

"It better be. She has been looking for you since the bell rang." Another close friend, Toph, walked up behind her. She is blind but uses her Earth Bending as a way to see. Sometimes I forget that she's even blind. Although she may not be the sweetest at times, I can tell she cares underneath it. Just be careful not to step on her toes. Literally.

"It's a miracle! Now you won't fail and have to drop out of school!" I said as Suki laughed. We kept walking down the hallway towards the dining hall for dinner. As we entered the room, I spotted Sokka sitting with a bunch of guys from sword skills and his girlfriend, Yue, with her friends. Yue wasn't a fighter but was the daughter of the Water Bending ambassador.

"Hey Yue, how's it going?" I said as we sat down. 

"Great. They have spaghetti for dinner, and you know how much I love spaghetti." Yue said before biting into a meatball.

"Did I hear the word 'love'?" Sokka kissed Yue as soon as she turned her head. All the guys mocked him, some screaming out 'aaawww' or making kissy sounds. The best thing was he didn't even care. All he looked at was Yue. 

"Wasn't that just adorable?" A mocking voice from behind me spoke. I let out a sigh as I turned around to see the most annoying guy in the school, Zuko. His sister, Azula, right next to him with her permanent bitch face. Before I could tell him off, I felt an arm drape over my shoulders.

"Hey, just because your girlfriend can't show emotion doesn't mean you should take it out on others." My boyfriend, Jet, said with smirk. I rolled my eyes at his remark. It seemed wrong and unnecessary to bring Zuko's girlfriend into the mix.

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Sokka said as he gave him a fist bump. Guys are so stupid.

I tried not to laugh out loud at the angry look on Zuko's face. At this point, I wanted to kiss my boyfriend but then he went and made me want to pull him out of the dining hall.

"Oh, come on, did I hurt the Prince's feelings?" Jet said with a cocky look on his face. His shaggy brown hair was in his eyes, and I felt him lean onto me as the others laughed.

"You're wasting your time with these people." Azula said from behind Zuko as he looked like he was going to send fireballs at Jet's face. This made me think that pulling him out of the dining hall would actually save his life.

"Oh, so the Prince needs his little sister to talk for him." Jet continued. At this, I gave him a slight elbow in his stomach.

"Actually, I just don't feel like wasting my time with peasants. I am a Princess after all." Azula followed up with a smirk. The title of Prince may annoy Zuko, but Azula seemed to relish in it. She would walk around campus as if she owned it and expected others to bow at her feet.

"If only you were a princess that people seemed to care about. At least your brother can get a girl. I don't think I've ever seen you go on a date, your majesty." Jet shot back.

"Ok, Jet I think that's enough." I may not like either Zuko or Azula, but they are the children of the current headmaster who just happens to a descendant of Sozin who founded the freaking school.

"Looks like we know who runs the relationship." Zuko said, seemingly calmer. Turns out that making fun of people stops the Prince from throwing fireballs. Jerk.

"Or you just want to mock relationships that you wish you had. A love like Sokka and Yue or a girlfriend that cares and is willing to show it." I said. At this I noticed his girlfriend, Mai, walking towards us. Emotions or not, she is a skilled fighter. "Now I think that's enough for tonight, but I would like to eat with people I actually enjoy talking too." Azula didn't look like she appreciated being dismissed like this, but Zuko stopped her since we had acquired a crowd.

"Why would I be jealous? He's stuck with you." Zuko said. 

They left without another word.

Thank you so much for reading the 1st chapter of my 1st fanfiction!!! I'm going to put up another chapter next week! Votes and comments are always welcomed. I would love to hear your thoughts since I'm pretty new to other people reading my work. 

Now I need to think of a better sign off but going to go with this for now: Thanks!!

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