A Family Reunion

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Since morning I have been noticing people running from one corner to the other of this house.Yes, I like referring it as a house because Palace sounds too much too me. When they are no kings and queen, why palaces . More than half of the Palace is a 7 star deluxe hotel,like other 3 palaces of our family but my dear granny, the Queen Mother (Rajmata Rudrani Devi) loves to celebrate her royal titles. The titles which no more exists.I sighed out of all of of us, Bhai is her favorite and today is the best day of her life as her favorite grandson is coming home. Yuvraj Ranvijay Pratap Singh. Frankly, bhai is special. He is fiercely protective about our family, we stayed in London together and he treated me like a toddler. I had arrived before him for my vacation and now will have to be the part of this grandeur .I hate this show of royalty but forced to be a part of it.

My Dad, Maharaja Giriraj Singh Rathore  obeys his mother like an obedient son. In Granny's presence, dad goes into mute mode.Mom does have a voice but that goes unheard every time under my  granny's authority.I still got some freedom but Raksha is like a a bird with clipped wings . 

A smile stretched across my lips.No, I am  not thinking about my little sister but about her friend Ananya. Every time I visited, I met Ananya quite a few times.She is such breath of fresh air. A free soul, anyone coming in contact with her will automatically smile. 

My thoughts were broken by the palace staff, ''Sir,you brother has arrived and your grandmother has asked yo to be present with family.' I nodded moving out


Me and Raksha were busy with our samosas when someone knocked the door and Raksha was back to angry self, ''I am not coming ...leave me alone''

''open up darling,this is Raghuveer'' came a  soft male voice. I squeezed Raksha's arm requesting her to answer. She huffed , got up stomping her feet and answered the door. Rughuveer stepped in with a smile, he is one gentleman He politely greeted me with a nod turning his eyes to his sister, cupping her cheeks he softly requested. ''Rakshu, I know you don't want to come but its Bhai-sa. He loves us, why spoil his home coming darling....''

Raksha looked at him, ''Bhai,I will come  but only for you. Don't expect me to be all smiling and jumping'' 

Raghuveer smiled ''fine darling come along'' Veer nodded at Raksha before walking away after greeting me with a smile . As he looped his arm around hers, he locked his eyes with mine, I understood I have to stay in room till this propaganda  of welcome gets over


As I walked thorough the grand entrance, I was showered with rose petals . The first person who greeted me was my darling grandma. She pulled me in a tight hug, ''welcome home my prince. Ah you look so handsome.....'' She said holding me at an arm distance

I laughed; ''Grand ma....to you I will always be the best..'' 

I moved towards my father touched his feet and he hugged me tight, ''welcome home son'' well since open emotions is not the part of our protocol he quickly moved away after a curt nod. 

My eyes moved and fell on the person for whom I don't care of protocols,  my favourite person, My mom the queen of Jaigarh. She stood there elegantly  waiting for her turn, she couldn't show her open emotions but her eyes spoke all, filled with tears ready to spill and lips stretched into a wide smile.She kept watching me .as I moved forward ,admiring her eldest born.For now I am going to break the protocol and I did hugging her tight as she broke down,  ''Missed you ma''

''Missed you too,a lot'' she replied trying to control her hiccups.I pulled her closer when I heard another voice, ''Bhai we are in line too''

I smiled I knew Veer did it to control the situations. Grand ma doesn't approve of open emotions infront of so many people.I quickly moved towards my brother, well we stayed together in London but he takes a lot of trips  home.Next to him stood  my little darling,her face devoid of any expression. Her cute nose was red, well to be frank she looked all grumpy.I looped my arms around her pulling her to my chest. ''how are you Rakshu..''

I got a reply which left me little shocked ''I am fine yuvraj (crown prince) hope you are good too. You should be,after all you have everybody's attention''

I didn't know what to reply. She tried to leave but Veer held her asking her to stay.I could see irritation building up in her face.Grandma moved inside glaring at Raksha and she answered  her with an equally annoyed stare.

I knew I had lot to catch up...as we all moved inside to the main hall...Grandma lost her cool, ''Raksha when will you learn to behave''

''I behaved exactly the way you want us too,like stones without emotions. You should be appreciating me rather than questioning me Raj mata (queen mother)''. That tone of Raksha surprised me.I watched grandma lips quivering in anger, ''young lady ,you are getting on too my nerves. Don't compel me to ground you''

Raksha was venomous now,'' Really? Am I free now?  Are any of these living walking statues in this room are  free? No Raj mata,we all are you puppets...doing everything to make you happy but  for some reason you are never happy. And now I have decided not to care about the same. ''

''This all because of that common girl'' I closed my eyes as I heard Grandma's temper rising but Raksha was no less she smirked, ''no its Ananya who keeps me sane. Someone who irritates me  and kills my soul is you RAJ. MATA''

We all didn't know what to do, Iwas glad this hall was sound proof.There was a knock on the door and a staff walked in, ''Your friend is leaving princess''

''I am coming'' came a curt reply .Raksha walked away giving Grandma and unbeaten stare.I decided to follow her.This is not my darling sister,he has become someone else. Raksha gained momentum and hugged a girl.

I was surprised the girl who was talking to Grandma in high pitched voice was now laughing at an outsider. Grandma was the most feared and respected figure in our family and the extended family. No one dared to raise their voices around her but Raksha did, not once but many times.I didn't know why but blood started boiling in my veins.I cannot stand my family in pain.Grandma is right this little minx is the reason for Raksha's spoiled behavior,my fingers cracked as I curled them into a fist.I stared at her to warn and too my surprise, she had the guts to return my stare. She didn't blink even for a second, wish she knew what she was getting into.Now my first priority is to chuck this unwanted girl out of my innocent sister's life.

 I looked at Himmant kaka,he quickly walked to me, ''Kaka get me all on this girl.All means all'' Himmat kaka gave a curt nod and left.I was still standing there watching that girl,she turned her eyes away as if I am a waste before walking off.I had a strong urge to wring her neck,for now I controlled myself .She was going see me soon. You will curse the day you decided to befriend and mislead my innocent sister....


I particularly don't have any problem with this family but why does everyone stares and specially at me. I it in their genes or am I a specimen to look at?I am sure the disease  is genetic and it comes from the great Raj Mata,because its she who started the staring game, and not to forget the disease is contagious as it has passed on to the staff too. Now this new Prince, he too is staring.Did he think I will tremble like a leaf? hell with him, I am not scared, neither of him nor of his family. I gave Raksha a hug, ''please Raksha control your temper.They are your family and they love you.'' I gave the arrogant bull one look and walked off...IDIOT ...


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