A Clash

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Since Raksha's call, I have lost my sleep. Her brother somehow got to know of our movie outing, there had been huge drama in the Royal family after that with blaming her.

Raksha was badly reprimanded by her grandmother, her father and her brother. Raksha and  Her mom  had to face all the burnt. It disgusts me. Why couldn't these people understand that rules are meant to give person right path not to stifle them .They are killing her soul,they have been unjust to her her. She wanted to study abroad but they didn't allow her. She wanted to be something more than a Princess,she wanted to be Raksha but now they had problem with everything and above that, her grandmother called my mom asking her to keep me in check as I was spoiling their pure blood. Guess they have some blood testing device which differentiate pure from impure blood.

''Pinky, I think its better you maintain some distance from Raksha,they are big and powerful people. I don't want them to do something that might cause you any harm'' That came from my mom Shraddha Sharma. Whatever I am today its just because of my mom and dad, they gave me wings.

 Rudrani devi's warning shook them and left them worried. Why not  Abhishek, my brother is still in school. We believe in freedom but royal family doesn't . They enjoy lot of power,they have the authority to destroy future. I would have ignored these threats but I can't go against my parents. Since the call dad has been so quite. I can't see them worried and I decided to keep a safe distance from Raksha...

'' Good Night Mom....good night dad.'' I couldn't take the heat anymore, I need to relax. The moment I got into the bed, my phone buzzed . As expected , it was from Raksha. I  so wanted to answer her call but no, not today after what her grandmother did. I allowed the phone to die down but she kept calling. Every time her number flashed on the screen, a guilt seeped into my heart. Why  am I punishing her?  With a sigh I answered, her voice came  as soon as I pressed the accept option '' Ananya why are you not answering my calls...have you too decided to  ignore me''

I could feel her pain. ''No Raksha but I am worried about my family. Your granny was very rude to my dad. I can't bring trouble on them.She warned my dad of dire consequences if I don't maintain a distance from you..''

There was a silence  .I heard her sob. She sniffed and then spoke. ''I don't blame you, my family keeps blaming you for things you never did. Fine I won't bother you again love you Ananya. You will always be my dear friend....my best friend. I just wish if I get same family in next birth I get you as my sister it would be easy...goodbye''

She disconnected. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as my mind replayed the words and then I froze realising the real meaning of her words. What the hell was she talking...next birth..dear friend...goodbye....

Oh no ! is she planning something wrong ? no no no...I have to do something. Shivangi Aunty's name came to my mind. When one wants to do something in a flash of second, the body refuses to support and same was happening with me.

With desperate shaking hands I tried to scroll on to Shivangi Rathore's number but my handset kept sleeping out of my hands. Irritated I groaned , crashing on my bed I used all my focus to dial the number as my heart hammered in my chest.  Fear makes you impatient and that's what was happening to me. When my call wasn't answered in two rings , my mind went wild with thoughts. Just about when my mind was going overboard thinking all kinds of wrong things of what Raksha could do, Shivangi Aunty answered and I shot. ''Aunty Raksha called , she was talking wired.... next life...goodbye....Aunty please check on her something is not right.....''

there was a silence and then came her calm reply. ''I will Ananya..calm down....thanks kid''

She disconnected and I took a breather.I really wanted to know if she was fine but decided against calling anyone but I could check with Raghuveer. 

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