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''These vows are not just mere words Ananya, they are more powerful than you think'' Mom said when I replied to her queries regarding Ranvijay  rather lamely. I had come down to my house for the final ritual of Pagphera. Mom had been over enthusiastic about my new house and her son-in –law. She had been narrating how jealous neighbours and relatives were of my luck. I rolled my eyes, only if they knew what meant to be with him.

''Mom rituals, vows matter only when you take them with heart. I married him because you all wanted this '' I am at the verge of bursting into flames hearing all prises for Ranvijay. I was so angry that I refused to look at my mother. Mom held my chin turning my face to her; ''I know, sudden break up with Deepak and a rushed marriage with Ranvijay left you emotionally drained. But remember one thing Ananya, he is you husband, your partner and friend for life. Even if you deny , somewhere you know you are bound to him. It has been like this for generations, these simple vows binds two hearts together for eternity. You will realize this soon'' 

''Can we talk of something else'' Mom lifted her hands in surrender. She fed me all my favourite dishes , pampering me to the core. After lunch I crashed on my bed, it felt heavenly. Though I have everything which a girl can dream off, still I never felt at home at Palace. My family seems to be in an enchanted zone , all they have are big words in praise of Ranvijay. Taking a deep breath , I walked to the window of my room. It had always been my favorite place, so many evenings I have spend sitting my this window enjoying my solace. I looked around, nothing has changed but all seems a little more dearer to me. My eyes fell on the guards assigned to me, I respect and pity these men. They risk their life for another human more resourceful than them. Among all the guards , I spotted Hemant. He is Ranvijay's chief security, why he is here? Is Ranvijay here. But I don't see another vehicle. Did he leave him alone? The past attack flashed infront of my eyes and I ran down to confront Hemant.

The guards went attentive on my presence; ''Hemant you should be with Ranvijay, what are you doing here'' Hemant fidgeted; ''He asked me to be here, at your service'' Hemant replied with his eyes low. ''But who is with him?'' 

''There are other guards'' He replied. ''So are here '' I retorted. He didn't reply. It wasn't his fault. But Hemant's presence here has left me disturbed . Please God let him be safe.When I walked in I found Mom smirking at me; ''What? Oh please ma don't jump to conclusions '' Mom laughed as I walked into the hall. The clock moved quite fast or I felt it. As per the ritual, Ranvijay had to pick me up. He will be here any minute and Mom asked me to get ready. 

Mom was helping me with saree when Abhi brought my phone; ''Di its Dipika Di, she says its urgent''

Mom left me alone ; ''yes Dipika'' the words from her jolted me; ''Ananya please come home as fast as you can'' My heart sank, was Ranvijay hurt. ''Ananya, this is about Raksha. Raghuveer was very angry when he left the room. He went to Raksha. I am scared''

''Dipika go an inform Maasa this instant'' I suggested hearing her panicked voice. I heard her breathing restlessly; ''I can't. I am not allowed to step out of this suite. He had put guards outside my room. Maasa is not in her room, I called her mobile too. But no response, I think even she knows or Raghuveer has something to do with it . Ananya once you are out , come back and don't go to your suite. Go to Raksha Please''

Just then, Abhi informed me of Ranvijay's arrival. When I walked in, I saw the Royal Prince getting a very Royal treatment. Time for some investigation; ''Ma I need to speak to him in private'' Leaving the stunned audience behind , I dragged him to my room.

''Yes my love''. He voice came husky , I cringed. Coming straight to the point I confronted him; ''What's the matter with Raksha? Why are you two giving her a 3rd degree? Why are you keeping me in dark ? Speak up''

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