Heaven On Earth

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When I couldn't find Ananya in the dine-in room, I was surprised. She never skips family meals, even when I do. I was informed that she was having the dinner in the room. My mind raced to think of the reasons, but I couldn't think of anything other than that she was sick. The attack incident had taken toll on her . Morning when I left she smiled, but their was worry in her eyes. Granny asked me join , but I politely took leave requesting my food in my suite. On my way I met Deepika , she greeted me with a smile. When I questioned  her on Ananya, she replied with a big smile; ''She is not well Bhai!!'' The contradiction in the news and her expression was making me doubt,  after giving her a tight smile I ran to my suit. I am not sure , but I think I heard a giggle. Who cares, for now I want to see her fine and smiling. The way I left her in the morning.

''Anu'' I called her but got no response, moving from one room to another and not finding her was sending my heart in a panic mode. The silence  of the suite was killing me with worry. was scared because she didn't respond. Did she pass out . Porch , yes I didn't check there. A small prayer made a way to my head, hoping for my girl to be fine and it was answered. When I found her standing , staring at the night sky. I took a sigh of relief and then I froze when she turned smiling at me. Ananya was dressed in same orange attire, the one she had worn on our wedding night. But there was a difference , she looked scared worried and unhappy then. But today, she looked beyond my reach of words. She took small slow steps to me with a beautiful smile covering her lips;  "how do I look? Better than your paintings ? I am sure my eyes might have gone big to size of saucers . When did she see the paintings . Lowering my eyes I just smiled, I never showed them to her thinking she might get angry for bringing her on my canvas without her approval. But her smile spoke a different tale. She took a step closer leaving the minimum space between us. Grabbing me by shirt she pulled me down to her face level; ''I Love you my Prince. With every fiber of my body'' Every thing turned still around me, she just confessed. She is in love with me. My Anu is finally in love with me, my heart did a somersault. I didn't know how to express what I felt that moment.  It was something like life for a dying man. 'Say something, I worked whole day to look like this. Her annoyed voice broke my thoughts'' ; 'I wanted to laugh at her impatience , but it sounded like melody to me. She wanted my thoughts my opinion and my confession, but I wanted to hear her's again   ''Say it again''. She smiled and said it hovering over my lips. Wrapping my hands around her small waist , I swept her off her feet twirling around happily. She laughed filling the night with her  melodious laughter. 

Bringing her down, I hugged her tight. We stood in silence holding each other for few minutes. ''Say something Ranvijay'' Exhaling hard I pulled her close; ''You talk too much'' that earned me a punch. Tilting my head, I took her lips captive moving mine on them possessively. She responded with equal zeal. She gave me a gentle push; ''You still didn't compliment me'' she complained with stern look

''Really?? You are all over my thoughts and you know that, still you want me to compliment you?'' She nodded vigorously making me groan in irritation. I know she is enjoying making me wait.Giving up I finally complimented ; ''you are the most beautiful women in the universe for me Anu''

She frowned and then narrowed her eyes; ''Really!! then why did you mention that your previous girlfriends were prettier'' I scratched my head, when did that happen; ''I didn't'' She stood with hands on her hip; ''In Summer Palace , when I questioned you about them'' After I minute I realised what she was talking about. But then I was so lost in exploring her that I didn't realize what her question was. I pulled her close; ''You are doing this purposely right? You know I am kind of desperate '' She giggled and nodded confirming my words, that made me pinch her waist and she squeaked giving me another punch. ''I have more for you'' She pointed to the beautiful arrangement she had done on the porch. the mattress was covered in a silken sheet , its smooth shimmery texture shined more under the moon and stars.She had place 4 dim lamps on the each corner making it look inviting ; ''I didn't knew you were so ready'' She blushed. Going on her toes she wrapped her arms around my neck; ''That day when you got down to save me and when that man aimed the gun at you. I died million times. I realized what I felt for you was more than attraction.'' Her fingers caressed my rough cheek; ''I can die for you Ranvijay '' Her eyes spoke a million emotions which could be phrased in words. The eyes which despised me , hated me once , now had immense trust and love for me. Pressing her fingers to my lips I pulled her closer. Ananya removed her stole throwing it in one corner, accelerating my heart. Her palms brushed from my waist to my shoulders as she sealed her lips with mine. She moaned softly granting me the entrance in her sweetness. She was better than any painting I made. She was a masterpiece in life. 

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