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Raksha's stupidity has taken toll on all of us. Mom and granny went back to their usual blame game and Dad decided to stay quite. Veer on the other hand is not quite himself, he seems to resemble more like a volcano ready to burn all around him. Had Deepika not intervened , that man Pavan or Raju would have died of his hands the very day itself.

I don't blame Veer. I myself would have done the same, but for my promise to Anu. She was scared that I would kill someone. I didn't like that fear in her eyes and in the heat of the moment I promised. But that doesn't mean the culprit walks free, there are other ways too. Tonight we will end his chapter , I am just waiting for Ananya to sleep. She is still will Raksha, off lately she had been spending a lot of time there. They both have their exams coming up and Anu is helping Raksha prepare for it. Whenever we talk, its about her. I am fine as we have progressed a bit on our relationship.

I glanced at the clock it was 10 PM. Ananya will be back any moment, I decided to switch off the lights of my study. Let her believe that I am sleeping, once she sleeps. I will leave.

After around half an hour I heard the main door of suite click open. I closed my eyes leaning on my chair. Hearing the clicking of her bangles, I couldn't help but smile, even with closed eyes I can see her perfectly. Morning she had chosen to wear bright orange ghagra (skirt with blouse) and an Indigo coloured stole. When she entered the dining room , I couldn't take my eyes off her . She had covered her head as a mark of respect towards the elders. Her wet hairs hanging loose on the right shoulder. When she took her place next to me , I felt a bolt of lightning passing through my nerves. It took me lot of control to check my eyes and the emotions from going over board . To divert, I turned my eyes to Mom, she was smiling. Yes I was caught ogling at my own wife, turning my eyes away I tried engaging granny in some conversation. But she too cut it short focusing on two new brides.

''You two will accompany me to a gathering next Saturday . Deepika you are aware how these gatherings are, I want you to help Ananya with it. Deepika nodded once without lifting her eyes and Ananya went stiff. I watched her face pale, her spoon now was left on her untouched plate. I know she isn't used to all this, plus granny is too intimidating . Instinctively my hand moved to grip hers on her lap, her skin was cold due to nervousness. I squeezed her hand softly and held it stroking with my thumb. Slowly the warmth started creeping her skin and she lifted her spoon to eat. This time there was a lot of throat clearing and coughing ,Ananya pulled her hand off my grip all embarrassed .

 My mind was focused on Anu , who was still in the living room. She wants to be sure , if I am awake. I know she has many questions and I am willing to answer, but just not this one night. I heard her pacing along for few minutes . Then I heard her unlocking the bedroom door and locking it . I messaged Veer to be ready, I walked out after 10 min, sure that she was asleep.

When I walked out , Veer was already there lost in his own world . I pressed his shoulder; ''Keep calm Veer'' He nodded and followed me inside the Gypsy. The drive was pretty silent other than the soft muffles coming from behind.

When we stepped out , a senior police officer welcomed us. ''All set'' Veer asked.

''Ji Hukum, it will look like a regular encounter. '' Replied the over excited officer. ''What about the girls he had abducted so far'' I was concern, the thought of Raksha getting into this kind of mud had shook me hard. I could feel the pain of the families who lost their daughters.

''Hukum, some have gone back home. Some who were sold by their parents refused to go back. We are still trying. Few have been smuggled or killed'' His voice was sad.

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