Celebrations ...Lurking secrets

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So miss goodie two shoes has decided to reject my offer of freedom. Smiling I moved to the window which opens into the vast Thar ....People here have started turning desert to green...but this place is far from soothing sceneries this place is secluded from city and people....in old times we kept our enemies and prisoner here. Nothing could go out of here, neither their screams nor pain...and now I use this as my headquarters to plan against the one I hate.

''What time does her classes end'' I asked my man who kept eye on Ananya...''around 4 in the evening''....taking my chair I smirked; ''great tomorrow I will myself pay the visit to would be her highness....''

Next day I decided to pay personal the visit to the beautiful Royal bride....I am curious what is so special about her that made a guy like Ranvijay go nuts . Ranvijay Rathore a man who didn't flinch a bit at the best beauties throwing themselves over him.. what made him go gaga over this young maiden . Parking my car at a distance I watched the exit of her college...my man knocked the tinted glass of my vehicle after a while ..moving it down I watched her walking out giggling with Raksha...the day I first saw her she was decked like a bride. But today she is here just like fresh rose...must say good choice Ranvijay....well frankly she doesn't need any fake colours to add beauty to her delicate features....Wearing a long purple skirt with a pink tank top...she had wrapped a batik print light cotton stole around her neck..Seriously Ananya is a treat to watch What if Ranvijay lose her ??? what will he do when he sees her as someone else for rest of the life....should I snatch her now...??? Because if I chose to do before wedding its just today... My mind raced in all directions....Nah !!! the wound should be so deep that it never heels ....go princess marry your prince and then I will take you....a punishment for Ranvijay and then I will keep you as my mistress for life....

Leaving my thoughts behind I turned my focus again to Ananya...physically she is alluring , any man would want to own her. Average height thin waist well shaped assets... I am sure she can send a ways of envy into the hearts of other men who would only desire to have her but can't . I am not among them...because I will own you Ananya...that's my little punishment for standing by Ranvijay and not your by well wisher.

I watched her, suddenly she looked excited , pointing in a direction she dragged Raksha to a near by pani puri stall... excited she watched as the vendor started stuffing the puri and then dipped into the flavoured water. Ananya popped the snack into her mouth in one go, closing her eyes she she savoured the taste throwing her head back. My eyes moved through the length of her long slender beautiful neck and then to the outline of her top covering her bosom. She opened her big round eyes gesturing the vendoe to put more on her plate. Her freshness...innocence is addicting What a catch!! Frankly I am not a man-whore...but good things attract me too and especially the ones which Ranvijay likes.... And this one is little more special as he loves her deeply madly fiercely..

I went sure about his feelings for the girl on the day of the engagement. Ranvijay wouldn't move his eyes away from her...she seemed to be his world.. an unquenched thirst... a never ending desire...In short Ranvijay deprived of Ananya is as good as dead...I smirked...

Moving my eyes I focused them on Raksha, what to say of her fair skinned light eyed Raksha is herself epitome of beauty...but she is impatient short tempered and foolish. Initially I had planned of targeting her but then I saw Ranvijay's eyes on another girl....so now they both are going to be my prey.

I have already planted a pawn in Raksha's life. She isn't quirky enough to think it to be a conspiracy. Pawan had been painting good rosy dreams infront of her and when time is right I will signal him to take her away never to be found again. I hell care what Pavan does to her ...I only am interested in the out come the shame faced Royal's...their family drowned in misery . As far as I know Raksha she neither would she doubt Pavan nor she would trust her own. Such a stupid girl...she is going to be a very easy target...

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