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I don't know how long it took us to reach home, because my mind was playing the same visual again and again.  I could still see that man pointing the gun at ny husband.I just remembered that I couldn't stand on my own feet after getting off the vehicle. I was dizzy and felt too weak. Ranvijay carried me to our suite. When I woke up I found Deepika next to me; ''How are you feeling Ananya?'' 

''Where is Ranvijay'' All I wanted was to see him, to be sure he was fine. But my eyes couldn't see him around; ''He is with granny. He was here when doctor checked on you . He left when Granny asked for him. Veer is also there. They are taking a final call on Brijesh'' 

''Does  she know'' Deepika nodded. She knew I was asking about Brijesh's doings. I was sure it was him, the family always let him off because they considered him one among them. But he thought it to be their weakness. He should be taught a lesson, I don't want to be in a same situation again. ''I will get you something to eat'' I didn't respond to what Deepika said , she moved back to the kitchen and my thoughts went back to what happened few hours ago

When that man punched Ranvijay , I felt being punched in my gut. Ranvijay answered attacking him  . He threw himself in danger to keep me safe, he was buying time . I wanted to be with him. I tried to   unlock the vehicle  , but  failed. I was scared and terrified that I couldn't recall the way he unlocked it . Struggling I kept praying for a miracle . I wanted to cover him from all the pain and danger . I wanted him safe and close. I felt I would die in fear when the started shooting at him. That moment I felt my world crumbling down, he was my world. I don't know if it was the vows attraction or his softening towards me. WHatever our relationship was, he lived it beyond all the limits. He scared me beyond limits, he cared for me beyond my imagination , his trust and his possessive love. The walls around mt heart started tightening. Tears of realisation streamed down my face; 'I love him' the realization made me struggle harder with the door. I kept looking around to find something to break open the door. But there was nothing, I recalled how his fingers punched while trying to console me.Thinking hard I could recall it was a 4 or 5 digit code, I could recall two as my eyes had flickered to his fingers . Making a small prayer I started punching , just then I saw the guards arriving. It was a relief but I still wanted to be with him. The faliure to open the door was making me frustrated, giving up I thought of the 2 digits in my mind. After thinking hard I realized it was Raksha's birth date, next 2 should be the birth montn and it worked. Just then I recalled the gun ''This is loaded Hukum all you have to is aim and pull the trigger . It will keep you safe till the help arrives'' Balwant's words echoed my ear, he was not sure about Ranvijay's idea of keeping security aloof, he had handed me the gun with necessary instructions at summer palace .  ''Hold or I will shoot your brains off'' That was it, I took the opposite door to take him by surprise, without any warning I shot and he did too,  I saw him falling but I wasn't sure Ranvijay was fine, until he took the gun.

''Anu'' his voice brought me back, without a second I leaped into his arms hugging him tightly. He was mine as I was his. When I opened my eyes, I saw Deepika smiling. She gestured towards the tray and left the suite. I am glad she did because I wasn't in the mood to leave him. ''All is fine Anu. calm down'' I didn't wanted to , I couldn't . This was what I wanted to stay in his arms, feel his skin his scent around me; ''I could have lost you'' He pecked the side of my head; ''Anu calm down, nothing happened and you were very brave today'' I still didn't let him go burying myself into his arms. He walked me to the bed; ''you should rest'' Panic rose in my body as he got up to leave; ''Stay, please!'' I begged. He smiled; ''I am here with you'' That night I slept in his arms not wanting to let him go, he obliged holding me close. But somehow I couldn't sleep soundly . The fear was not leaving my mind, what would have happened if I would have failed to open that lock ? Thinking about it made me bury myself more into him. His rising and falling chest, his warm breath and his calm sleeping face. All of this was my peace, I watched him ,for how long I don't know. Turning I looked at the time it was 4 AM. Ranvijay would be up in an hour, before that I have to do something, its necessary for our future. 

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