Endless Love

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''Hello Deepak'' I couldn't help but smile at Anu's sarcastic greeting, she had hate dripping her voice . Deepak lifted his eyes up , suddenly there was a faint hope in them. As if he was just being saved. Ananya's eyes moved to Hemant and with a nod Deepak's mouth of free; ''Please save me Anu, he is a monster. You don't know how he had tortured me before , this is why I had break our engagement . That earned him a tight slap from my lovely wife, Ananya turned and walked to the couch where I was sitting. She sat close to me, like really close; ''Yes I know , you were so tortured that yo agreed to take 2 Crore . Right???" Her voice was commanding, Deepak blinked; ''I have my family to take care of off, I did what was best in that situation. He threatened to hurt them''

''He would have threatened you but not your family, I know him'' She said with her eyes on me, Right now I just want to kiss her smart mouth . ''So here is the deal, you return every single penny you took from my husband and with 20% interest. Till then, your family will be my guests''. There was a warning, she looked at me to know if she had my approval, without wasting a minute I gave her a nod. I watched as Deepak started sweating ; ''My family has nothing to do with it''

''So did I. Do the deal and you are free. Don't try to run or escape, because you know its easy for us to find you . '' With that she dismissed his mercy pleas and exited the door like a queen.

''I am sorry, I just took the decision without checking with you'' She spoke as soon as we entered our suite. ''You have all the right, by the way I wanted to kiss you when you said you know me'' Ananya pressed her lips hiding her pink face in the curtains of her dark hair, lifting her chin up I tugged her hairs behind her ear. Leaning close I waited for her to stop me, but she didn't . Leaning closer I pecked her lips lightly and she parted them breaking the final barrier. Pulling her hard against my form I kissed her deep, she placed her palm on my shoulder and the other on my cheek. Still there is some reluctance Leaning on each other's forehead, we took in moment. Ananya pecked my cheek softly; ''I want to know my home, this palace. I haven't seen it completely'' That surprised me, then I realized she hardly stepped outside the suite since we got married. She had been busy in . Rubbing my thumb over her cheek I nodded; ''Let me give you a personal tour princess'' I took her through the different levels , making her aquatint with the passages and shortcuts which connected families suite together. ''Wow!! I never thought they could be connected''

''In times of emergency it should be the family to reach first. Let me show the garden area'' She smiled and nodded. I took her on the Hotel area first; ''this area is a hotel , but guests are not allowed to venture in our area. We do have a different exit too'' She nodded and walked along with me to the garden area which was private.

''What's that?'' She pointed towards a small door buried the castle wall; ''That's a door to a old age tunnel, it had been sealed long ago'' Anaya kept staring at it; ''Who all know about it''

''Me Veer, Dad and Granny'' She nodded ; ''no one else, you are sure'' I frowned at her persistence ; ''Why are you asking'' She turned to me; ''Just getting myself aware, I should know for my family's safety '' I couldn't help but caress her face; ''come along '' We walked along the garden area, she admired the seating places made across the large garden , her fingers caressed the flowers . She squeaked in delight coming across the large fountain making me smile. We walked along at halted at some distance from Granny's ongoing meeting, she saw us and gestured us to join. Ananya's face was a treat to watch,she paled blinked and gulped. Nervously she took steps and followed me. ''Take a seat'' Granny gestured and went back talking to the officials, I realized she was discussing about the girls being rescued from that Raju's clutches. ''We have located some of the families and will send them home'' said the official. Granny nodded''

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