Hollow Relationships

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''I am your husband Ananya'' Leaning close he kind of warned me. He looked annoyed and that made me happy. I smiled confidently; ''Only in name, to the world. To our families, but never in my heart'' His expression changed, he looked lost , pained . This is what I wanted to see, a sense of loss in his eyes; ''Atlast, you lost'' Moving away, I went back to our table. Ranvijay stood frozen to his place with his eyes on me. I gave him a victorious smile , but inside I am scared about the upcoming night. I do have a plan for that . But what if it fails, will he force the relationship on me . Shaking my head I decided to be positive. 

The waiter had served dinner when I reached the table. Raksha had once told me that Ranvijay was very particular about food. He hated when someone wasted food. He wouldn't let his family throw a single grain. Well, I appreciate that and now this quality of his is going to work in my favour. I knew soon his cousins will ask him to feed sweet to me and I have to do the same . Once the dessert got served I did my job.  After speaking to few guests he walked back and took his place next to me.  Once all the guests left, we were surrounded by all the younger extended family. ''Bhai feed kheer to Bhabhi from your bowl and Bhabhi will do the same '' said one of his teenage cousin . Veer got up and moved back holding the camera focus on us . Ranvijay lifted the spoon . Ranvijay smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, he lifted the silver spoon extending it towards me . Smirking or artificially smiling at him I took the dessert in my mouth. Ranvijay kept his eyes locked with mine , with numerous emotions swimming in his eyes. Everybody clapped and then it was my turn, I was hyper excited as my bowl had two sleeping pills. Ranvijay will never forget this night, only if he sleeps. Once I fed him I left the bowl ; ''Finish it'' He ordered, I gave him my most innocent look; ''I am too full'' He nodded and finished my bowl in one go after his. 'Mission accomplished'. ''Take Ananya to her room'' that was grand mother in-law

Raksha & Dipika walked me to Ranvijay's suite, but Raksha left immediately. Seriously her mood swings these ideas are making me worried . I just hope she isn't up to some mischief. Dipika helped me get rid of numerous pins in my attire an hair. She gave me a beautiful peach Lehnga ; ''Change into this'' I started at her , why change again. All I have to do is sleep, Dipika smiled; ''you should look your best when you face him as his wife for the first time'' I rolled my eyes really ? This is like presenting me like a food to him on a platter . A girl's will should be considered to, with a nod I changed because I had no option. Dipika made me wear some light jewellery and did my hair in a lose braid. She hugged me once and then walked me to the main bed- room. ''Here I leave you, have a beautiful life Ananya'' My eyes got fixed on on her face, I don't know but I already like her . I returned her smile, Dipika was at the door of the suite when I called her; ''Will you help me with Saari tomorrow morning'' She laughed and nodded; ''Call me when you are up''

Once Dipika left I stood at the door of the bedroom which now would be mine too. I felt my palms sweating and legs shivering . Taking a deep breath I pushed open the door, a minute back I was sweating and now I am shivering badly standing in this large decorated room. Royal's really hate me, they purposely got me married to Royal buffoon so they can have their revenge. The room seems to be one of the finest I have ever seen, the high ceilings still stands tall and majestic defining its history. Beautiful paintings and carvings on the wall well explains the richness this family holds. Lifting my skirt up I step in on a rose carpet, cool petals under my feet tickled my sensations . moving in the middle I looked around. It was dimly lit by aromatic candles, there was a large antique couch on the other end. Its golden metallic frame sparkles in dim candle light, the side racks walls and every other available furniture is decorated lavishly with most exotic flowers. In the middle , was a huge gigantic bed with , its headrest has antique carving on it. Something really exquisite . The four bedpost are have numerous flower laces tied around them. A thick flower curtain coming from the ceiling covers the bed from all sides. I rubbed my arm to settle the goose bumps on my skin. The bed had an expensive satin sheet which was decorated with petals. Ah!! this makes me puke. No way Ranvijya is getting me that easily. 'Really ? who are you kidding Ananya. He already has you as his legally wedded wife' Stupid conscious , never speaks in my favour.  

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