Devil's Visit

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Since the day I have heard of Ananya's accident , I am not at my best. Raksha had been visiting daily and according to her Ananya is not herself. She had turned extremely quite . Accidents can be traumatic , I understand that . But my heart says there is more. Ananya meeting the accident the same day we decided to stop Bhai from reaching Raksha. Then Bhai being on the same  spot and helping Aanaya ,that  surprised me.

I got up from my chair walking to the open porch,  don't know but I am restless. It has been 4 days since the accident happened. But I am unable to reach the vehicle that caused pain to Ananya. Covering my face with my palms I gave my  nerves a moment to relax, wish I could be with her. Wait!!! Atleast I can call her with that I ran back to my room and dialled her no. She answered after 2-3 rings...''Hello!!!'' this melodious voice of hers can cure all my worries...I am smiling now.; ''how are you''

She responded after a pause; ''Veer!!!...I am fine...recovering...will join college from Monday''

A silence prevailed between us, not knowing what more to speak . I closed my eyes gaining some strength to ask her what my mind hand been thinking for so long; ''Ananya , answer my question and please I want to hear the truth. Was this an accident''

In reply I receive silence...a silence that is hiding some kind of storm. I decided to ask again; ''Ananya tell me. I will help''

This time she spoke; ''Veer...there is nothing. why are you and Raksha insisting that it was not an accident..I am just little paranoid because of the accident ''

I shot the query immediately; ''then why didn't you answer at the very first place I asked you''

This time she was quick; ''because I am tired of answering the same question...'' 

I took a sharp breath , may be I am thinking too much . I decided to speak something else; ''Ananya !! I am sorry was worried when Raksha told me about you. Get well soon'' Silence greeted me again...; ''Ananya are you there...Hello!!"

''A..Ah !! yes...umm Veer I will speak to you later ...'' Before I could wish her she disconnected ...that was weird . Why was she stammering...It appeared as if someone else was there too. May be her parents or her brother...or someone she is petrified off...


I am tired of questions....Raksha's questions. What should I tell her , that it was her crazy psychotic brother who got me abducted and then freaked me out with his stupid care. And he did this why??? because he feels I am stuffing all bad things in Raksha's head. 

frankly speaking, I am scared... too scared of Ranvijay. The way he held me in his arms was creepy. He took all the liberty to touch me and I couldn't do a thing, I still can feel his arms around my body and his breath fanning my skin. Yes he affected me , because never in my life I have been treated that way by a man. I have had many guys as my friends. but none of my friends crossed their boundaries, they said I was a boy trapped in girl's body ....I was proud of the fact that I scared the guys off...but Ranvijay scared me... 'you should have kicked his balls' screams my and how please tell me, that to when I was tied  like a chicken to be slaughtered . 

if Raksha wasn't enough, now Veer too had started bombarding his questions I was glad he called . I see an amazing friend in him. But my patience gave up when he shot his questions...I couldn't control  ; ''Veer...there is nothing. why are you and Raksha insisting that it was not an accident..I am just little paranoid because of the accident ''

He shot the next one like an investigating officer;  ''then why didn't you answer at the very first place I asked you''

I rolled my eyes answering him;  ''because I am tired of answering the same question...''

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