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YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ THIS UNLESS YOU WANT TO. But, if you have any questions later in the story, please check if it's answered here, first. Thank you.

-To what extent does this follow the comics?
~As much as I can. With Deadpool it's easy, aka pretty close to the comics, since I actually read a bunch of DP. As for Spider-Man, I only remember so much from my younger days, plus whenever he pops in in a DP/SM crossover, so if there are any mistakes regarding Spidey please remember most of my knowledge about him comes from research, very few comics, and the movies. That being said, though; definitely feel free to correct me if anything's off. I always appreciate your help!

-How old are they in this?
~Peter is 20, Wade is in his late 20's/early 30's.

-Where is the story set?
~Queens, USA (Spidey's hometown), so let's ignore the fact that Deadpool is Canadian mkay..xD

-What are Deadpool's boxes?
~According to DP writer Daniel Way, they're voices in his head, another show of how insane he actually is. However, Marvel revealed that they were, in fact, the voices of Madcap after an incident involving Thor, some lightning and regenerating gone wrong, that had merged with Deadpool and manifested as a white box. The other voice is supposedly Doctor Bong, but none of that matters in this fanfic, because I've gone with the version most people know; they're just his own voices, different sides of his personality. He is insane, after all.

-What color are the boxes?
~[] is yellow, <> is white.

-Sidenote; to make it easier when I was writing this, they only address each other by their aliases when they're in their suits, and by their real names when they're in casual clothing/without their masks. I saw some confusion by this in one chapter, so I'm adding that explanation here.

If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me! Now, sit back and enjoy some spoodipool floof :3

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