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Do the crime. Pay the time

The bus ride was long and exhausting Taylor kissed me each minute it got, it was disgusting and what hurt was Kyle and Ciara were having sex at the back, and his fingers went places on or in Ciara, which I feel uncomfortable with. I cannot tolerate this at all, I tried seeing it through his point of view, but too bad he doesn't have a reasonable one.

I stomped into my house and straight to my room and locked, I didn't expect my parents to come after me or anything cause like I said worst parents ever. Like expected they didn't bother with my angry state.

I woke up at 5:30 pm realizing that I cried myself to sleep. The only person who can help me through this distraught state is my best friend but I can't call her up and say 'My boyfriend, your brother was having bus sex with a slut' I can't possibly say that.

I looked around my room for the first time since I arrived and recognized I was technology-less. Really with them assholes of parents now it's getting to me, maybe I should let the Sturles adopt but that means my brother will be my ex. Did I just refer to my boyfriend as my ex, Oh shit. I took out my phone my only form of technology left until they decided to confiscate it and dialed Mira's number to let her know I was back.

"Hello, OMG it took long enough my brother arrived hours ago, you imbecile fool," She said happily and giddily.

"I was just a bit tired, I fell asleep, " I said.

"I hope that the trip was awesome, did you finally do it with Taylor," she said but screamed, Best friends. Huh?

"About that Taylor is cheating Toot toot toot the explanation is too explicit for me" I simply stated.

"OMG," She shrieked. "You're going through a break I'm coming over now," she said.

"I didn't break up with him, It's complicated and by the way you can't come over remember evil parents," I said in a monotone.

She laughed "So, you suffered while my brother came home with many hickeys and the smell of sex," she said.

"Oh well, you know Ciara is a slut. Lucky Kyle got it good" I said trying to be humorous.

"Yeah, yeah next topic," She said like she was on caffeine.

"Mira I have to seek some things I'll see you at school tomorrow," I told her, I had to face my parents eventually so why not get it over now? I didn't have to go to school today as well as all the others on the trip, but we have to be present tomorrow it's a requirement.

I watched my romantic parents in the kitchen, my mom standing at the edge of the counter on her blackberry while my dad sat at the dining table on his laptop. I observed them yet still they haven't seen me, I will enjoy it while it lasts.

"OLI LUCY ROBINSON" My mother shouted which made my dad look up, well at least they remembered my name. Yes, that's my full name.

"First things first young lady give me your phone " I sighed I expected this, so I deleted all messages from my phone and changed all the girls' names to boys' names. I slide the phone across the table to my father.

"What were you thinking, thinking it's okay to go out on a weekend trip to a hotel where there are boys? Supervised or not " My dad started with his speech and I just blocked him out and put my head down in shame.

I listened in for my punishment well I had it of course I'm grounded for a month and guess who decided to take a well-deserved vacation, you guessed wrong. Mommy and Daddy dearest.

"Your food is in the oven " My mother before they got back to the previous agenda.

"I took my food and went to lock myself in my room, I ate and then fell right back asleep.


"Omg, Oli you look depressed," Mira said with a sad tone as she stood by me by my locker.

"Yeah, well lack of technology will do that to you," I said feeling my pain.

"OMG I feel your pain" she shrieked.

"Please stop saying Omg, if you say that one more time I'll lose it," I said harshly, losing the inch of patience I had left.

"Mira can I speak to Oli, it's personal," Kyle asked coming out from nowhere.

Mira did not even bother to answer she just skipped along to a boy, I guessed I'd find out about that later.

"Are you done with your plan yet?" Kyle asked if I should just end my plan.

"Not actually, " I told him. I saw Taylor enter the door walking towards but he was taking slow and short steps so I continued with my conversation.

"what do I have to do having sex with Ciara, didn't teach you a lesson well what will" he said. I can't believe he just said that.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to think of something now can you please excuse me, I need to go meet my boyfriend," I said while brushing him and ran and jumped on Taylor and gave him a long kiss.

"What's up, Babe?" He asked.

I was now on my two feet, I took a strand of my blonde hair in my hand and twirled "Not much I was wondering if you could come over tonight" I asked this made him smile. Ridiculous boy. I moved closer to him and whispered in his ear " We will have some fun".

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