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Define your sexuality

Taylor did my nails and I did his nails, he laughed and had fun. He felt so secure knowing nobody would know this and that this would make him a step closer to having sex with me. Taylor's nails were extra pink I put five coats on his and Hello Kitty stickers on each. I did not feel victorious yet so I went to take some lipstick and did his lips while he did mine, this got me carried away so I put curlers in his hair.

So right now he is sitting in my room with Pink nail polish, red lipstick, and curlers in his hair. I smiled at him, knowing that cameras were watching him. Let me explain, I borrowed some Cameras from the AV room before going to meet Zoey and I set them up in my room, I started after I made the deal with Taylor that the video just makes him look gay.

That definitely will make girls stop wanting to have sex with him.

I had chemistry now and Kyle was sitting by me. I eventually stop giving both of them tutoring because I'm a genius and taught them all they need, not to be cocky or anything. Kyle passed me a note, I rolled my eyes and then opened it.

Sorry babe, I have no idea what I was thinking. Like I have no idea. I guess jealousy got the best of me. I'm sorry I just couldn't stand seeing you with Taylor. Can you please forgive me? I already ended up with Ciara, I recognize it was a huge mistake. She just has sex with me but I cannot get pleasure from her. Sorry.

Love Kyle.

Tears were threatening to run down my face, I had to get out of the class before I broke down. I used up all my bravery to hold in the tears and ask the teacher for a hall pass. I am an honor student, teachers don't ask me why I need a hall pass.

I went straight to the library, right to the back, and cried. My heart is too soft, his apology made me want to forgive but knowing that he had sex with Ciara is breaking me. I laid my head facing down on the desk and let all my tears out.

I heard a chair drag from towards my table but I didn't acknowledge if the person had to kill me there might as well.

"Oli I'm sorry" Shit, really him now how can the teacher give him a pass unless he wanted to pee. I lifted my head and glared at him " Shit off" I told him harshly.

"Oli, please forgive me Please" He begged.

"I don't believe I'm saying this but Fuck you, You had sex with Ciara more than once it doesn't take one to have sex it takes two, All that happened between me and Taylor was kissing and the thing is, I didn't kiss him, he just kept kissing me, You fool. I'm a fool for actually thinking of you when Taylor was kissing me" I said getting a load off my chest.

I got up to walk away, and Kyle got up too and pulled and kissed me, His soft lips pressing against me just felt so much better than Taylor or any other boy I have ever kissed I couldn't get the strength to pull away I was stuck in this kiss.

"I fucking love you Oli, please forgive me," He said when he pulled out of the kiss. "I'll have to think about it, you hurt me you know," I said tilting my head and smirking. He just laughed and started to kiss me again.

"What the fuck" A boy said standing behind me said. Oh shit, I said remember him from the team, Oh shit, shit. "Aren't you Taylor's girl?" He said . "Quiv, you know Taylor is cheating on her so why are you even bothering to act surprised when you see she's doing the same and she's breaking up with him by Friday," Kyle said. "Friday, the football team is having a huge assembly on Friday, he will break," Quiv said. "No, he will not because he doesn't love me or like me in that way and you will understand on Friday" I stated.

"Well, whatever," Quiv said. "Wait" I called after him. "You can't tell him," I told Quiv. "Whatever," He said and walked away.


Nothing against Gays!

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