Chapter 2

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It all started with an email to one Charlie Swan in Forks at 10pm on a Friday evening. It said
I'm sorry I haven't been in touch lately, things have been hectic with helping mum pack and finishing off school. I know it's late notice but I was wondering if you would allow me to come visit for a couple of months (maybe more if ya lucky 🙂 ) I miss you so much and it would be great to catch up with you and Embry again oh and Bella too.
Please let me know as soon as you get this (planning on leaving Sunday if so)
Lots of love from your daughter
Scarlet Quinn-Swan ❤ "/

When Charlie read the message he couldn't help but grin. His baby girl is coming home! Although he couldn't help but frown when he read that her mother was packing, 'I wonder why??' Shoving that thought to the side, He quickly responds then shuts his computer off to get ready for bed with a smile on his face.

All the way in England (London to be exact), I waited for my computer to tell me I have an email. At long last, Putting the clothing I had in my hand into the suitcase, I went over to my computer to open the message, which is from my dad
/"Baby Girl,
you're more than welcome to stay for how ever long you like. I miss you too, and Sunday sounds perfect. Love daddy ❤"/

With a smile, I brought a one way ticket to forks then went back to packing the rest of my belongings-with a bounce to my step.

When Sunday arrived, I woke up bright and early to make sure I have everything-and to say goodbye to my mum for the last time. Like any mother she asked once again whether I wanted to travel with her instead of going to forks but my heart was set on seeing daddy again.) I then started heading down to the airport to catch my 7:30 am flight. Soon I was boarding the plane and once I was sat I looked out the window and whispered "Good bye" to my now old home, and fell asleep. When it was time to get off I was more awake and really looking forward to seeing Charlie again.

After I collected my suitcases, I started searching for my dad in the crowd. A problem with being only 5' 4 I struggle looking over people's heads and end up jumping like a goof but-hey fits my personality perfectly. I see a glimpse of a man with shiny brown hair in a police uniform and charge towards him with speed I didn't even realise I had. Once Charlie saw me running he opened his arms to give me a huge bear hug "I miss you so much daddy" "I've missed you too baby girl" was both whispered into each other's ears. The one great thing about me and Charlie, we are not awkward with each other like him and Bella. We are just comfortable with each other. I heard an awkward cough coming from my right so I turned around to be met by Bella shuffling her feet trying to look unaffected towards mind and Charlie's interaction. We slowly let go of each other so I could greet Bella. "Heya sis, it's great to see you again" I replied enthusiastically whilst Bella just nods with a "I know right". Sometimes, I get the feeling that she doesn't like me, but there's nothing I have done to warrant the dislike and I'm kinda use to it by now. We walk out together and head to the police car, however Bella heads to the rusted old truck. (don't get me wrong the truck parts look new but the entire thing as a whole looks like a death trap!) luckily, I bought my own car before I left England and it should be coming any day now so I won't have to worry about travelling with Bella. Once inside me and dad are in peaceful silence- meaning I could look out of the window and remember all the memories I had here when I was younger, and what felt like only 5 minutes, we were pulling up at my childhood home. I couldn't wait for this new chapter of my life to begin!

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