Chapter 54

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Bella's POV

After texting my Jakey-poo, I rushed to make sure I got all the equipment I would need to take to his house and knew Jake would absolutely love what I was bringing. Running over in my head the mental list I made 'sexy lingerie...Check!' I think before holding up the skimpy outfit, just knowing Jacob will be in for the biggest shock- 'Him being about to see me with so little on...maybe if he's lucky we'll go all the way' I grin maniacally. Putting the lingerie in the bag I'll be taking, I start looking through my bag to make sure I haven't forgotten anything else 'Handcuffs...check, high heels...check, candles...check, rose petals...check, whipped cream...check and a handful of micro cameras...Double Check' zipping up the duffle bag and without leaving a note to Charlie I rush to my car as fast as I could with the heavy bag in my arms, climbing into the cars ungracefully, I turned the key and the engine turned on with a thunderous roar and I start to make my way down to La Push, admittedly a bit faster than the speed limit but I knew it was justified 'I couldn't leave my Jakey-poo waiting so long, especially after the text message I sent, just knowing he will be all fired up and ready to go!' Ohh god, just thinking about what he's about to do to me makes me so wet.

Pressing down on the gas, I made it to La Push in no time at all, but to me and- I bet Jake feels the same that it wasn't quick enough. Stopping the car in front of Jacob's house, I felt giddy and hot all over. Looking to see no one in the vicinity, I made a quick decision, I decided to get changed into the lingerie and heels before going inside 'This way there won't be any waiting around.' I think grinning before rummaging through my black duffel bag to find the small, revealing black lacy lingerie and struggled to put it on correctly, not realising that I bought a size to small just figuring that it would fit perfectly and show off my curves more. After roughly 10 minutes of struggling to put the lingerie on, not noticing that I had to untie the ribbon on the back to be able to put the material on easier, I finally managed, I looked down at my appearance and couldn't stop the smug smirk from spreading across my face 'God, I look irresistible.' I think satisfied before grabbing and slipping on the bright red high stilettos, forgetting that I never could get the hang of walking in high heels. Stepping out of my rusted truck, one foot at a time like I've seen in movies showing off one leg at a time. Once I was out of the drivers seat I leant over and grabbed my duffel bag, just knowing that anyone around would be able to see a perfect view of my bum, before closing and locking the vehicle before making my way as sexually as I could towards Jakes front door, not realising from an outside point of view - to any one who saw her walking, could see that Bella was tripping and slipping every step she took, looking severely constipated and made a beautifully made and crafted lacy lingerie look outdated, unflattering and everyone who was unfortunate enough to catch even a glimpse of Bella could see how far she has dropped from the once shy and stuttering sweet girl they all thought she was to dare they say or even think it, the slut she has definitely become.

Unbeknownst to others around her, I made my way to Jacob's front porch, only to notice all the lights were off, confused but not thinking much of it. I started to reach for the spare key I hid for emergencies 'This certainly counts as an emergency.' I think before unlocking the door, I stride into the house like I owned the place calling out to Jacob "Jake-poo" I call loudly but didn't hear anyone answer back, I shrugged thinking Jake must of went out to get a couple of things himself since I didn't tell him what I was bringing, wanting him to be surprised. Looking round his dare she say it tiny living room "There's absolutely no chance we will be living here when we get married" I say out loud not realising how delusional I sounded talking about marriage when I'm not even in a relationship with the person but I just knew that we were going to be spending the rest of our lives together and I couldn't wait, 'Marriage, children' I think with a squeal, imagining my stomach swelling with Jake's children. I couldn't stop the moan from escaping between my lips and I slowly started to caress my stomach at the thought... at the possibility.

Shaking my heading of the futures to come, I made sure that Billy wasn't home and that no one was visiting before I started to get everything ready. In every room I started to place a small unrecognisable camera into different ornaments around each rooms One camera was placed in a clay modal structure that I knew Jacob made as a child that was always in the corner of the room but from a standing view point or in this case a camera, the viewpoint would be able to see the entire living room which included the front door, I placed one camera up high in both the kitchen and Jacob's bed room, away from the naked eye remembering that Jacob wasn't human but having the camera lens directed for the viewer to be able to see the whole room and any activities that may be taken place 'I'll be able to watch Jacob all the time now' I think gleefully, not noticing or even caring that she was breaking the law and breaking Jacob's privacy completely. All Bella cared about was herself and the benefits she is and will be able to gain when it came to the supernatural. The only place she didn't place a camera was in Billy's - Jacob's dads room.

Jacob's POV

Unbeknownst to what Bella was doing inside my home, I was running in the woods with my pack brother, trying to get as far away from my house as I could to make sure that if Bella even tried, very unlikely though that she would, but I needed to take the precaution just in case that Bella decide to follow, there would be no chance at all for her to catch up with us.

I knew I would have to answer all the questions that Seth kept sending me through our pack link but for the time being, I was frantic to get somewhere safe that I knew Bella wouldn't think of going meaning Sam's house was out of the question and so would be the La Push beach, shifting my huge form a little to make sure that the over night bag that I brought with me was still safely tied to my wolf form. I started to lead Seth to Embry's house so I could inform him as well as Seth about everything with Bella but knowing that I couldn't stay round Embry's house since it's still too near to my own house.

Skidding to a stop on the outskirts of the woods behind Embry's house, I signal Seth to shift back, myself following a second after giving the command. "Hey man, what's with all the secrecy, are you in trouble, is someone after you?" Seth asked, starting to panic, looking round to see if anyone was following them. Feeling dreadful that I have managed to freak out my little brother in all but blood, I reached and and pulled Seth into a one armed hug to try and calm down his nerves "Hey, hey, calm down mate. There's no one following us, at least I hope there isn't. I'm sorry for worrying you so much but I had to get out of the house as fast as I could. Bella was coming round and after a text message I received from her before you arrived, I freaked. I was disgusted with what I was reading and couldn't believe what my once best friend has turned into. I feel ashamed of ever speaking so highly of her." I say in a near whisper but with so much conviction in my voice that I could see the surprise on Seth's face.

Seth was shocked to say the least 'Gone was the little boy who worshipped his best friend and in his place was a man finally realising what he wants and who he wants to be.' Seth thinks proud of his pack brother "Wow" Seth murmured quietly in shock "What?" I asked confused but wanting to understand what was going through his head. "I'm so proud of you, you've spent so much of your life chancing this one girl that no one could even try and touch the barrier you've created, it was impossible for others around you, especially girls to reach the standard you made. But to see you breaking through the control Bella has had on you since you were little, you have no idea how happy and proud I am to see my pack brother, not being weighed down by someone you couldn't have and to be perfectly honest, someone you shouldn't even want. You deserve so much better than Bella." Seth says with a mega watt smile which I couldn't help but share with a massive goofy grin of my own, feeling so much lighter to know that others have noticed the change that I have started to go through, even if they don't realise why I have gone through them to begin with. "I've finally learnt to grow up and be the person I want and aspire to be and realise what I want others to see in me. More importantly, I've found my one, my imprint Seth and she has made me into a whole new better person, someone I couldn't even hope to become and I can't wait for all of our pack brothers to meet her too, she's made me into the person you see standing before you and I've only just met her myself." I say giddily with a boisterous laugh, only just now realising the impact on meeting Scarlet has made to my life...for the better. Looking at Seth I could see how shocked he was, which made me realise that I haven't told the rest of my pack brothers about her, only Embry knew. I knew there and then, that I needed to call a pack meeting to let them all know the fantastic news. Better yet, maybe they will get to meet Scarlet really soon.

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