Chapter 6

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Edward's POV

When lunch time arrived, I was a little (okay a lot) disappointed when I didn't get to have the new girl- who we found out was called Scarlet in any of my lesson so far. Me, Bella and my family finished getting our food (which only Bella will eat) and sat down. When scarlet walked in and, again all 5
of us relaxed and breathed in her scent. Strange... I don't even feel like biting Bella when ever Scarlets in the room. When I looked over I see Mike talking to her asking to come sit with him and his friends. I couldn't help but clench my fists under the table and clench my teeth in jealously. Wait what... why am I jealous? I love Bella...Right?

I watched Mike walk Scarlet to the table and could hear Jessica trying to dig her claws into her already. Poor Scarlet. Just when I turned back to my family we were mentioned.

"Do you see the Cullen's over there" Jessica asked pointing a finger over at the Cullen's table. Scarlet looks over from Mike to Jessica when she spoke and looked over "Yeah what about them?" Scarlet asked nicely. Jessica couldn't help but gape a bit. 'Seriously, she's not checking them out, she literally just looked for 2 seconds.' I could hear Jessica Stanley think. "Well they hardly talk to anyone and they are all adopted by Dr and Mrs Cullen who are quite young themselves." Jessica said trying to get Scarlets attention back on her. "Good for them, They sound like wonderful people to adopt so many children so young" Scarlet replied with a genuine smile. Jessica was starting to get annoyed now, like come on, Bella was soaking up every detail she could about the Cullen's when she was new... why wasn't Scarlet. "Ahuh but the only reason they did it was because Mrs Cullen couldn't have kids herself" Jessica said quite proud of what she is saying. "I'm sorry but is that any of our business and 2... that doesn't make a difference to how well they are as parents in my opinion they are even better people just by adopting that many children and 3...have you even met Mrs Cullen or any of them for that matter?" Scarlet said it a neutral tone. Jessica's was shocked no one talks back about what she says they just go with it. " I haven't met any of them..." Jessica's voice wouldn't as strong as she would of liked. "well then you shouldn't judge a person when not even meeting them and personally I believe you should apologise to Mrs Cullen or in fact just the Cullen's for insulting their family but mainly the mother." Scarlet said, her tone rising a little. Jessica just scoffed not believing her. Scarlet stood up and dragged Jessica with her. "I'm not kidding Jessica they must hear rumours going round all the time, thanks to you about there family. That"'s not okay at all. You wonder why they don't want to talk to you" by now the whole lunch room is looking at the pair of them when Scarlet strolled confidently and half dragged Jessica with her to the Cullen table... Our table. "I'm terribly sorry for the interruption to your lunch but I think you guys deserve something," Scarlet says politely then nudges Jessica "Erm I erm, sorry if anything I ever erm said has hurt you or your family I had no intention to." Jessica stuttered just wanting to make herself as small as possible and get out of there "Thank you for your time and heya sis good to see ya." Scarlet beamed then skipped back with a bright red Jessica trying to hid behind her.

To say we were shocked when Scarlet didn't seem to look twice at us was an understatement. Everyone wants to know who or even what we are and to also have her defend us then actually make Jessica apologise. This girl was an actual saint! But the problem was I couldn't read her thoughts. We all looked to Bella when Scarlet spoke to her "How come you never told us you had a sister or that she was coming to school?" We all practical shouted. Bella just looked pissed "Who cares about that, I can't believe she just humiliated Jessica and brought attention onto you guys" Bella practically spat. "Bella, since when do we not have attention on us even you were looking over at us when you first came, scarlet didn't even blink an eye at us when she turned to look." I stated sticking up for Scarlet (wait surely I should be backing Bella) "Good riddance of Jessica too maybe she'll think twice when she spoke about us." Rosalie snarled quite pleased Scarlet stood up for us. That was a shock in itself.

The girl who brought peaceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon