Chapter 55

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Scarlet's POV

It's been a few hours since Edward and his family told me about their secret of who...or more importantly what they really are. 'Vampires.' I thought still surprised, it's just a word but with so much meaning behind it, vampires my mythological creatures, it should be impossible. To be perfectly honest I'm not sure I even believed it at first but seeing such sincerity in each and everyone of the Cullen's faces, how could I not believe them, trust them like they are trusting me, a practical stranger to most of them. 'But why would they lie.' This thought keeps going though my head, they have no reason to lie and if it backfired and someone else heard what they said and believed it, something terrible could of happen to them.

The more I think about it, the more crazy everything seems to become; I mean a day ago Edward was just my half sisters boyfriend to me, Rosalie and Jasper were friendly towards me whilst the rest of their family I either hadn't met or were just faces I saw around school. I could tell they themselves were worried about a certain outcome that may have occurred. Thinking back to when I was talking to Rose and Jasper in the cafeteria, I remembered seeing a look in the Cullen's eyes- almost fear. I thought it was because their siblings were talking to be me since they always kept to themselves but for some reason it doesn't seem to add up. 'If the Cullen family didn't want to talk to me because of fear, surely they wouldn't, especially since they told me their sacred secret that only Bella and myself now know meaning that someone else must have made the Cullen's react that way but the only other thing that stood out in the cafeteria that day was that Bella was sitting there with them..' I think trying to work out what may have made the Cullen's react that way until it hit me 'BELLA!' I think shocked, realising that Bella must have done something that I didn't see, something the Cullen's are either turning a blind eye too. I shook my head, standing up from the living room sofa being walking blindly out of the living room not knowing or really caring where I went but needing to move around to try and get my thoughts in order. I was thinking about all of Bella's strange reactions whenever someone came near the Cullen's or more importantly Edward, the possessiveness was to the point where it was unhealthy but it's like shes taunting them, almost threatening them. 'Like she's holding something against them' I gasped out loud, not wanting to believe that my sister, half though she is could ever do something that horrible to another person let along a whole family, even with the way she treats me. I shook my head not wanting to jump to any conclusions.

So lost in my thoughts, I didn't realise that I walked into another room until I bumped into a stool...a piano stool to be precise. Blushing at my unusual clumsiness, I looked up in awe to see a beautiful black polished grand piano in the center of the room, I walked closer and gently opened the piano lid and delicately pressed a piano key with my finger before closing my eyes. I wave of emotions fell over me that brought tears to my eye, I haven't played the piano since I was a little girl where I used to play  every Sunday with my mum. But ever since my mum remarried, it was like she never had the time anymore, she was always busy doing something or another with him that she never really had time to spend it with just me. I guess I was just being selfish.

I never really got the motivation or even the courage to play again without her. 'It was what we use to do together to bond over and to create new different music that represented us and parts of our life' I thought with a sad smile. I never realised how much I missed the simple but musical notes that each key made until this very second. I remembered all the musical pieces me and my mum used to make together, from the feelings of lost to what it feels like to love, to making friendships in my case. With an almost shy feeling overcoming me, I looked around to make sure no one was around, forgetting that with vampires around, they wouldn't have to be in the same room, even the same house to hear what she is doing. I pulled the piano stool closer to me and carefully sat down in front the the piano, I thought back to all the music I use to love playing and one stuck out the most, it was the feeling of hope one would get when everything else seems hopeless. It's a feeling I've held for quite sometime during my early teens, feelings I hope to never feel again in the future, the feeling of been so helpless and alone. With almost shaky fingers I placed my fingertips gently on the piano keys before I allowed the music to wash over me and started to play.

Unbeknownst to anything around her, she didn't notice Jasper in the door way of the music room, being able to feel every single emotion fully for the first time, and what emotions they were.

Jasper's POV

It was a huge shock when a huge wave of emotions started to hit me before the beautiful sound of the piano filled my ears. I was confused from who the emotions were coming from, at first I thought the emotions where coming from Edward and he was just remembering about the days where he was all alone, where Scarlet wasn't in his life, even when he was with Bella there was always still an inkling of sadness around him, like Edward's heart knew that Bella wasn't the one for him but he was just tired of being and feeling so alone. But I knew I would recognise if theses feelings where coming from Edward and that there was no way he would of been back from his hunting trip so soon, especially with how cautious Edward is when it come to Scarlet's safety, even if Scarlet's blood doesn't effect us the way normal human blood does, it's better to be safe then sorry and have to live with the regret. Having felt Edward's emotions so many times before - I knew that it couldn't be him. No this time the emotions felt different in away and there is only one person in this house that they could be coming from. That was a shock in itself, I've never been able to completely read Scarlet's emotions before, like they were locked away where only she could read and feel them.

The emotions that were coming from Scarlet were so raw- so powerful. The feeling of being sad, alone and without hope. I felt my lifeless heart give a tug, following where the emotions and the haughtily beautiful melody was coming from until I found Scarlet sitting at the piano with her eyes shut, almost closed off to the world around her. It was almost unbelievable to feel such dishearten emotions coming from Scarlet, especially with her almost always being a ray of sunshine, our ray of sunshine and especially Edward's. She's brought so much life into our lives and she's only been in it for a couple of days. Imagine the influence Scarlet will have on us in a years time or 2, or even 50. She's changing us for the better without even realising it. She did the exact same thing when I was struggling all those years ago. She was there for me, with such raw emotions of happiness and light that all the depressing and dark emotions that followed me around everywhere and no matter what I tried to do I couldn't get rid of them, emotions that were affecting me so badly that not even my mate, my beautiful Alice could chase them away but this human, this wonderful human sitting in front of me with her emotions so pure, even as a child was able to not only chase the dark emotions away but bring me back to life, all by being herself. I owe this girl everything, she saved me without even knowing, she saved my family from the heartache of losing me and to feel her emotions now, so upset and downtrodden. It makes me feel like I've failed that little girl. Not being able to stand these emotions anymore I tried to send feelings of happiness toward Scarlet only for it to project back into myself filling me with unnecessary happiness. Shaking my head, realising that my gift wouldn't work, I couldn't decide whether to call Edward back from his hunting trip early or to try and comfort Scarlet myself, the more Scarlet played the easier the decision was to make, it would take too long for Edward to get home, even with him being the fastest in the family and maybe it's time I told her how I knew her when she was a child and how much she has helped me in the past and how much I would like to help her now.

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