Chapter 41

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Cullen's POV

As soon as Edward left the house we all knew to expect company. Rosalie was giddy that she could spend more time with her newest and only human friend, whilst Esme was just happy that Edward was finally... happy. Their was no other word for it. When Edward was with Bella he still never smiled around the house, or was willing to join in with certain games that both Jasper and Emmet loved to play together. Alice even struggled to get Edward to play chess with him seeing as she's the only one in the family who was any sort of challenge for him.

Edward's routine was simple, just listen to and play rather sad and depressing music during the day, hunt and then watch Bella sleep during the night. All the Cullen's weren't surprised when Edward's feelings towards Bella started to change... started to disappear, all of them just knowing that even Bella- his first actual interest in anyone in the long years of him existing, that was it though wasn't it, it wasn't him living. Not one Cullen thought he was with Bella because his heart wanted to- that he fell in love with her, they knew it was because Bella's mind was silent to him. Bella was the first person to ever block his power and Edward has always enjoyed a difficult puzzle. But they all knew it wouldn't end in happily ever after but no one wanted to stop him from experiencing- even with dangers of Bella's finding out what they were. They knew it would be worth it in the end. However both Esme and Carlisle were shocked beyond belief when Edward came home after Scarlet's first day of school, with a huge smile on his face that neither could say they have ever seen before in all of Edward's years of existing and just knowing that someone-a girl no less, was able to bring out this side of Edward. A side where he's willingly joining in with games being played, both video and during hunts and finally playing something angelic on the piano that could bring everyone's mood up with the happiness he's able to produce within a melody with just a single thought of this mysterious girl. Even Jasper who claims to know Scarlet personally but is unwilling to share any specific memories of her was showing a lighter side to himself, not as rigid as normal especially with Jasper not having to worry about hurting or worse killing Scarlet, just shows to every Cullen that this one girl, without even meeting her properly is vert special and not even just to Edward but to the whole Cullen family.

Each and every Cullen knew that this one girl will bring the start of something new to their family, something that will bring all of them together... closer even. Hearing two cars pull up all their heads shoot up and turn to face the front door, waiting in anticipation. They listen carefully and hear a boisterous laugh come out of Edward and a giggle to join from Scarlet and each Cullen couldn't help but share secretive smiles just knowing before even really getting to know her.. Scarlet was perfect for Edward.

The last thing they heard before the front door opened was an inhale of breath before Edward stepped over the threshold with a beautiful girl following after. Esme shares a small glance with Carlisle with a smile spreading across their faces, both sharing the same thought. 'Finally, she's here.'

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