Chapter 30

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Scarlet's POV

I blink "D-did I just s-see that" I stuttered out, staring in the direction Embry just lefted into the forest. Or at least what was meant to be Embry. I don't know how long I stood their just staring into space when my phone beeped twice, letting me know that I have two new text messages. Thinking it was Jacob replying back and Embry letting her know he got home safely, I quickly shake my head out of my shock and take my phone out of my pocket. Before I could unlock the screen my bedroom door open and in walked in dad. "Hiya sweetheart, I was just checking to see if you were okay, it seems we haven't really had the chance to catch up since you got here" dad says with a small smile. Looking into my dad's eyes I couldn't stop the hurt flashing across my face "Whose faults that though dad, it's like your never here when I am. I've had more conversations with you through email when I wasn't living here than I have had the few days I've been here. It's like your avoiding me, did I do something wrong" I say brokenly, wishing my dad would just open up to me like he use to "I'm really sorry Scar, please don't feel like your not wanted here sweetheart, I guess I thought I would let you do your own thing like I do with Bella" my dad said giving me a worried look "That's the thing though dad... I'm not Bella" my voice cracks "I'll never be Bella. I've had to deal with a lot of things when it comes to her dad but knowing your treating me like I'm her... I don't know if I can handle that. Daddy I'm my own person, I'm nothing like Bella which is something I'm proud of. I know you hate hearing things said about the pair of us not getting along but you've got to realise. I already have to deal with feeling and knowing I'm unwanted in this house by her. Don't also make me feel unwelcome and unwanted in my own home" I say heart broken, just now realising how much him ignoring me was getting to me... how much it hurts. "But I guess you'll just sweep this under the rug like you always do when it comes to the way Bella treats me" taking a deep breathe "I don't think I can stay here at the moment, I need to get my head sorted" I say emotionally and start too pack a few clothing and other necessities not knowing how long I'll be gone for. Once I packed everything I start to head downstairs, side stepping a shocked Charlie and walk towards the front door before I hear footsteps rushing to catch up. Half turning I couldn't help but say "I guess Bella won, she finally broke how close we were" I whisper not looking up, therefore not seeing the absolute devastation on her dads face , him just now realising how he allows Bella to get away with hurting his youngest child. His baby girl.

Walking out the front door I get inside my car and pull out not knowing whether I wanted to stay in a hotel and be on my own or drive down to the reservation, where I feel safe and most importantly wanted. Whilst thinking of my options my phone starts to ring, seeing the unknown number I debate whether to answer or ignore it. Deciding to answer, hoping for a distraction I pull over and click the answer button and wait for the caller to speak. Once they did, I was shocked at who was on the other end of the line.

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