Chapter 23

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Embry's POV

'I couldn't keep the smirk from my face even if I tried' I thought to my self, just seeing how smitten Jake is with my best friend, I just found hilarious, especially how tiny she is compared to him. Come to think of it they seem to be complete opposite in looks Scarlet's hair is a golden brown. Whilst Jacob's is almost black, Scarlet's eyes an emerald green whilst Jacobs are melted chocolate in colour. However the thing they share the most that really shows is there souls. Jake would do anything to make Scar happy and Scar would just try and make anyone smile. Looking back at the pair, I laughed seeing Scarlet jump on Jacobs back trying it seems to tackle him after Jacobs comment on 'Pale faces'.

Jacob's POV

'I'm in heaven!' was all I seemed to be able to think at the moment. It seems that no matter how long or little time I get to spend with this girl it will never be enough. but just being with her- even when she doesn't know what she means to me, has made me realise all the time I've lived thinking I was happy, without knowing Scarlet doesn't even compare to how ecstatic I feel now that this beautiful girl is in my life.

Whilst caught up in my thoughts I barely heard the familiar rumble of the truck restored coming into la push, however once I saw the rusty red truck pull up I couldn't help but frown. 'What's she doing here' I think quite bitterly, completely forgetting before Scarlet arrived to forks, i would of been delighted if Bella would come down to La Push and see him.

Bella's POV

Stopping my truck, I gracefully or what I think is gracefully; when in reality was a clumsy mess stepped out of the truck and closed the door. I smile widely when I see MY Jacob, completely ignoring the two people with him, who in my eyes were unimportant and not worth mine or MY Jacob's time. "Jacooob" I squeal loudly making sure all attention on ME. I started running up to him, not realising that his attention was on someone to the left of him until she reaches him. "Jacob" I say confused until I follow his eye line and couldn't help but scowl, 'Urgh, not HER again' I think sarcastically once I see my supposed half sister looking at MY Jacob. Growing jealous of the lack of attention I'm getting 'MY Jacob must not realised I have arrived yet' I think with a smile forgetting that she shouted out his name more than once but Jacob has seemed to ignore her. I quickly jump onto Jacobs back to get his attention, feeling him tense, I couldn't help but giggle 'He's probably turned on with having me so close to him' I think giddily not seeing the grimace on his face once my body contacted with his back.

Embry's POV

I couldn't help the smirk on my face once I saw the displeasure written all over Jake's face "Finally, now you see why none of us like having her around" I exclaim so quietly so only Jake could hear. He looks at me, pleadingly silently asking for me to get her off but me being me I wanted to watch him suffer for all the times he thought or spoke about Bella in the past. "Come on then Scarlet I'm starving, lets go down to the cafe we always went to when we were children" I saw sweetly to Scarlet, she smiles gently at me "Ohh can we, can we, I haven't been there since forever!!" I say excitedly jumping up and down with a little clap. I smiled gently at her with a quiet 'Yes' realising all over again how much he had missed his best friend. Looking over at Jake I see him gazing at Scarlet with a look I've never seen on his face before with a little sparkle of possessiveness in his eye when I take her hand and carefully tug her towards her car

Scarlet's POV

"You're both welcomed to join us if you like" I say gently trying to keep my smile on my face with how Bella's completely ignoring us, ignoring me 'I guess I should be used to it by now' I think sadly. Jacob goes to open his mouth to reply with a huge smile spreading to his face when Bella answers rudely for the both of them "No, we are fine right here with each other" the once huge smile that was spreading on Jacobs face dimmed immediately into a sad smile and an annoyed look came across his face. "Actually Bella, I was going to agree and take Scarlet's offer, you don't have to come if you don't want to. Come to think of it why did you even come down unannounced" Jacob replies back. Looking back and forth between Jacob and Bella, I then look to Embry we give each other a look saying we should get out of here, with a nodded to each other we slowly start to head towards my baby calling a goodbye over our shoulders so Jacob knows we are leaving. Once me and Embry reached the car and get inside we both looked at each other and laugh our heads off before I started my baby and drove towards the cafe me and Embry always went to as children.

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