Chapter 49

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Scarlet's POV

Looking into Edward's golden eyes, I smiled "I would love to get to know you and your family better, I just need to drive down to the reservation one time this weekend, since I promised the boys, but today I'm all yours." I say shyly, looking back down at my plate, wondering why I felt shy all of a sudden therefore missing the glances all 3 Cullen's in the room shared with one another. However, I did look up when I noticed Edward's hands clenching from the corner of my eye, almost as if he was trying to hold in his emotions... control them even. Without thinking I tried to place my hand gently onto his to try and relax him only to stop just as quickly as soon as Edward flinched away from me, feeling quite dejected but not understanding why I gave a small tentative smile and moved my hand back into my lap trying to forget his reaction. "So what would you all like to do today" I say trying to break the awkward silence that had suddenly filled the room.

Edward's POV

"There's actually something me and my family all want to discuss with you. Something maybe even life changing." I say almost regretfully wishing I was just a normal 17 year old human boy who could control their emotions but I couldn't keep the hope out of my voice that just maybe she will accept me. I wished that I didn't flinch away from Scarlet's touch but just thinking about Scarlet being so close to the reservation, especially when I can't cross the treaty line if anything happened to her, even the thought of one of the wolves or worse, if I was the one to hurt her, physically pained me especially when she doesn't even know the dangers of my world. 'The fastest I can tell Scarlet about what we are, the clearer it will all become to Scarlet and hopefully, just hopefully she will come to understand and accept us all and not just me. Just knowing that Scarlets opinion on us being vampires will affect and hurt not just me but the rest of the family too, I think with worry, but just knowing that the quicker I get to explain everything the more of a chance Scarlet gets to take in everything that's being said and hopefully, it won't end badly.

Shaking my head from my thoughts I gaze down at Scarlet softly and slowly reach out to give her a chance to move away, when she didn't I interlocked our finger tips together, to me they fit perfectly... they felt right.. SHE felt right. I squeezed her hand to show that I didn't flinch away because of her.

"Of course, this sounds really important to you, I'm all ears when your ready to talk and tell me" Scarlet said with a small smile on her luscious lips, trust shining in her uniquely coloured eyes 'Oh how I hope that trust stays' I think sadly. Trying to think of a way that wouldn't completely blind side her and probably most likely frighten Scarlet away. Starting to feel a wave of panic, my body tensing. I inhaled deeply, because of this, Scarlet's scent quickly filled my senses. The effect was almost immediate with how fast my body started to relax, but there was always a lingering voice in the back of my mind that sounded remarkably like Bella. It was almost shouting at me- shouting that Scarlet would run, that she wouldn't want to stay with someone like me... A monster. Unknowingly I let out a pained whine at even just the thought of Scarlet not accepting me. I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to ignore the negative thoughts and every worse possible outcome that could come from telling her and pulled Scarlet close to my chest just needing the contact for my own comfort. It was only when Jasper started to project calmness down to me that I realised that Scarlet, Rosalie, Emmett and Esme were all looking at me in concern. I look directly at Scarlet and couldn't stop the words slipping out "Do you trust me" I whispered almost frantic, just needing to know "I know we haven't known each other that long and I'm probably freaking you out at the moment but please answer honestly, do you trust me" I plead knowing I won't be able to keep our secret from Scarlet much longer but had to see whether she will believe me...Trust me. I could tell Scarlet was confused, even a little worried from my tone of voice but answered truthfully "I know it seems too soon to probably develop some sense of trust but I can honestly say that yes I do trust you " Scarlet whispered back, whilst laying her head gently onto my shoulder.

With a smile, I tighten my arms around her hips but slowly turned her round to face me. "Good, I'm about to tell you something that will sound unbelievable and, I'm going to be honest with you, scary. I don't know whether you have noticed anything different about myself and my family but just know that neither I or any one of us is

going to hurt you or let you get hurt now or any time in the future. I can promise you this from the bottom of my heart and I hope that you trust me enough to believe what I'm about to tell you.. Are you ready?" I ask anxiously but knowing that Scarlet has to be warned so she won't be so completely blind sided

"I'm a bit confused right now, but I can tell that whatever you are about to tell me is serious so I'm listening" Scarlet says sincerely. I smile wrapping my arms fulling round her just in case it might be the last time I ever get to hold her and looked towards my family to see there opinion on whether I'm being too quick. 'It's okay Edward we are here for you. Your doing what you think is right and that's the most important thing. She was going to have to find out sooner or later anyway' Esme thinks lovingly, I smiled knowing I had the approval of my adopted mother. 'Come on bro, I want to see how Scarlet handles it' Emmett thinks and I couldn't figure out whether I should laugh not being surprised or be a little worried. 'I'm here for you just like the rest of us' surprised at how caring Rosalie sounded I looked into her eyes meaningfully knowing that besides our differences with Bella and everything in the past, our sibling bond was now stronger than ever-thanks to the beautiful women in my arms. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I say clearly but softly, looking into Scarlet's eyes to prove to her that I'm telling the truth "Here goes nothing. I'm a vampire." I exclaimed, only getting a shocked gasp as my answer.

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