Chapter 21

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Embry's POV

Finally letting Scarlet down, leading her to her car; I remember another reason why I was here "Oh Scar before I forget, I may be here for a reason after all" I say a bit sheepishly with my head down. An angelic laugh brought my head but up to see Scarlet with a little smirk on her face 'new it' she thought "Oh really" she says a bit smugly with a giggle. I couldn't help but blush, bringing my head up to rub the back of my neck, trying to stop my embarrassment.

Scarlet's POV

"Alright let it out, why are you REALLY here" I couldn't help but let out another giggle at his facial expression "Er well it's not for me actually" he try's to rush out but I raise my eyebrow at him, he seems to catch what I'm implying "Okay, do you remember a boy named Jacob" he says finally. Thinking back, I realise that I do "Yeah, you mentioned him when I went to buy my bike remember, you and Billy were saying that I had to meet him and that he would like me" I say before a little blush comes to my face remembering actually meeting him "What's that look?" Embry asks curiously "Well I erm, may of rambled on, just a little bit" at my words I put my index and thumb close together "and may of got a little to excited about his bike and that I bought one from him apparently" I say with a grin looking at Embry I could see him struggling to keep the grin off his face "What?" I think confused.

Embry's POV

"Nothing, nothing, nothing" I say quickly trying to act coy
but not really succeeding with the way Scarlet's looking at me "Well I'm glad you like him because he keeps asking me to ask you to come down to the reservation more" I say with a little grimace, remembering all the thoughts running through Jacobs head during patrol 'God, sometimes I hate the wolf link we all share that we can here each other thoughts' I think with a small wince not wanting to see my best friend in that light. Hearing a growl in the distance, I look in the rear view mirror and see the Cullen's are still in the car park, looking closer I frown seeing Edward was the one who growled, leaving me confused 'Isn't he with Bella' I think to myself until a knowing glint enters my eye 'Ohh, well this is interesting' I couldn't help but smirk looking back at Scarlet and turned the ignition on and started the car, before driving off I hear Scarlet mumble "I can't believe I'm allowing you to drive my baby, you crash or make any mark on her, i'll castrate you" she says with conviction. I didn't know whether to laugh or cross my legs, just on the safe side I do both which seemed to set Scarlet off as she laughed her angelic laugh all the way out of the car park of forks high school and in the distance towards the reservation.

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