Chapter 7

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Bella's POV

I couldn't believe the nerve of Scarlet. Coming to the Cullen table. MY table and speaking. No one talks to the Cullen's but ME. But what shocked me the most was that no one glared at her or gave her the cold shoulder. They were more interested, even Rosalie. 'What the hell she still can't stand me'. From the corner of my eye I could see Edward giving me a strange look. 'Wonder what that's about?' I just can't wait for this day to end. Scarlets already out staging me. What can I do to make her realise that I'm better than her.

Edward's POV

I don't know what happened but the longer Scarlet was around me everyone else's thoughts started to fade away until it was just a calming humming noise. Starting to panic I looked around to see if I could try to search every mind in the lunch room and found that I could read everyone's except Scarlets 'she really is a mystery' INCLUDING BELLAS. I can hear glimpses of Bella mind. 'That's never happened to me before but FINALLY I get to know what my Bella's thinking' (Little did he know, the more Bella's mind opens to him the more he realises he doesn't know the girl he thought he loved)

Jasper's POV

I started to go rigid, when the new girl and Jessica started to come over how instead of the blood lust I usually feel, I felt a wave of calm wash over me. 'Strange that's usually my job.' I looked to my other siblings to see if anyone else was effective and could see all of their shoulders relax as well. 'Can the new girl control emotions like I can?' I thought. I could see Edward get a confused look on his face, like he's trying to figure out a very difficult puzzle... curious'. Once I got a good look at the new girl I froze... I felt a huge wave of overprotectiveness towards the new girl, like I knew her from somewhere. I didn't know what was happening but I definitely knew she would be in the Cullen family one way or another.

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