Chapter 32

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Edward's POV

"Hello Scarlet, it's Edward" I say down the phone once Scarlet answered "E-Edward" I heard Scarlet stutter out, seemingly in shock "Are you alright Scarlet?" I asks worriedly hearing her sniff in the background, almost like she was or had been crying "I. Yeah, I'm okay" sniff "May I ask how you got my number" Scarlet replies back "Of course, didn't you get my text message? I took it from Rosalie's phone.. and now saying that aloud I'm just now realising how bad that sounds" I say a bit ashamed of myself until I hear Scarlet laugh down the phone, I could just imagine her smile lighting up her face. "Sorry I had a little argument with my dad, and I left before I could check my messages. Don't worry about taking my number from your sisters phone, although you know, you could of just asked me for it" Scarlet says a bit cheekily at the end, Just noticing that even just Edward's voice was making her smile. "Wait you had a argument with your dad, are you sure your okay...? If it's not to personal...may I ask why you had an argument. You too both sounded so close when you were telling me about him during class" I say quickly, not realising that I was rambling  because of how worried I was towards Scarlet. 'I've never been this worried when it came to Bella' I think to myself, realising the more I talk about and think of Scarlet the less I even think about Bella and for some reason, I can no longer feel guilty about it. Just thinking about Scarlet feels right. "We were, I mean are.. it's just everything got on top of me about Bella, I suppose. But you don't need to worry about it" Scarlets says hurriedly.

Scarlet's POV

'Stupid, stupid!' I couldn't help but think to myself, realising who's I was speaking to.. Bella's boyfriend. "I know what your thinking Scarlet, I won't go repeating to Bella about anything you tell me, that's not who I am" Edward says sincerely, thinking how ironic his words were seeing as he couldn't read Scarlets mind. "I'm really sorry to assume, I guess I'm a little paranoid. I just wanted to get away from Bella's influence and it only just occurred to me that I'm speaking to her boyfriend about it. Please could we just ignore that I ever saying anything" I say embarrassed, just wishing for the conversation to end. Looking at the time, I'm about to make an excuse to hang up until Edward started speaking again "I really don't want to make you uncomfortable in thinking that even though I'm with Bella, that you can't come to me, whenever you are upset. I know we have only just met each other and I wrote in the text message that I sent you that I'm deeply sorry about making you upset, by bringing up your family- and that I'd love to get to know you better. But please don't shut me out" Edwards pleads, just now realising how desperate he sounded, but not caring once he realised Scarlet had gone quiet, he didn't need to read her mind for him to know that she would of ended the phone call if he hadn't of spoken again. "Why do you care Edward and please don't lie to me" I say quite bluntly but with emotion, honestly just curious with his response "To be perfectly honest, for some unknown reason to me, the thought you being even remotely upset.. destroys me, I know I've only just met you and there should be no reason for me to feel like this towards you but have you ever just met someone instantly and just know they will be a very if not the most important part of your life" Edward says rhetorically "In all my existence and believe me it's been a really long time. That has never happened to me before, and the thought of you slipping out of my life before you've barely even been in it crushes me. I know what I'm saying probably doesn't make any sense to you and I know we have got off to a bad start but would you be willing to come round to my home, so then I at least know then you'll have somewhere safe to be for tonight and I can try and explain myself better?" Edward rambles, not realising his slip at the start, I hesitate not knowing whether I should trust him seeming to sense my hesitation, Edward adds "Please, my family would love to meet you and I know Rosalie and Jasper would be delighted to see you again." thinking it over, I decided to trust my gut and finally replied "I don't know where you live" I say with a little smile just knowing I was doing the right thing. I hear an exhale of relief down the phone "Where are you, I'll come pick you up" Edward says not even trying to hide his relief that I agreed on staying round the Cullen's. Telling Edward where I was I end the call and wait in my baby, thinking back on the conversation I just had, one word stuck out to me 'Wait existence.. what's going on?" I think just knowing, I'll get my answer once Edward arrives.

And who knows, maybe Scarlet will be getting more than a shock when it comes to the Cullen family or more specifically one in particular...

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