Chapter 39

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Scarlet's POV

Sighing in relief, once I hear dad speak down the phone, I turn my head when I feel a tap of my shoulder to see Edward looking at me concerned "Are you alright" he mouths to me with a look that says don't lie to me. I nod my head with a little smile, touched that he cares for me. Focusing back on my dad on the other end of the phone I hear how panicked he sounds and couldn't stop the guilt building up inside me 'I've made him so worried.' I think, a little ashamed of myself but just knowing in my heart that I did the right thing for me for once. "Daddy, I'm sorry I really am but I had to get out of there, but please just trust that I'm with someone safe" I say soothingly hoping to calm down his nerves, even just a little "Everything won't be fixed over night I know that but I promise I'll always be your little girl, but you also have to promise me that you'll start treating me like you used to not the way you have been now. I'm nothing like Bella dad, you just have to see that for yourself I guess.. I'm just about to get in the car but I promise I'll contact you when I'm at his house" I say gently. I hear a sign on the other end and I just know he's rubbing his eyes thinking "Baby girl, obviously I would prefer you to be home where I know where you are but I understand that you needed to leave" dad says quietly "Just promise me one thing dad" I ask having to know something like this won't happen again "Anything sweetheart" dad says quickly hoping to reassure both himself and Scarlet that he can still be trusted. "Don't allow Bella near your phone at the moment unless for emergencies.. I would just like to know that any messages we may send are only by you and not by Bella pretending to be you...I know it's childish but please just allow me this" I plead "I promise you right now that my phone won't be leaving my sight Scar. I know I've hurt you by comparing you to Bella but I honestly thought I was doing the right thing. But I know now that it wasn't the right thing for you, and I can promise you right now that I'll do right by you" dad says emotionally, just praying that Scarlet would believe him. I've never wished to hug my dad more than I have right now. A part of me wanted to go back home but I knew that time and space away from home will do me the world of good and clear my head... 'Maybe then I might be able to figure out the mystery of one Edward Cullen and his family' I think whilst looking at Edward from the corner of my eye. Just knowing he would be worth the time. Smiling at the thought I hand over Edward's phone with a quiet "Thank you" with a small kiss on his left cheek and start to make my way towards my car with a small blush tinting my own cheeks, hearing Edward's almost silent "Your welcome" behind me not noticing his hand cup his left cheek where my lips once were, shocked but very pleased.

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