Chapter 44

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Rosalie's POV

Once I heard Scarlet's breathing even out telling us she was asleep, I carefully got out of the bed I was sharing with Scarlet and swiftly made my way to my bedroom door all in under a second. I look back to make sure my moving didn't jolt Scarlet awake but saw her sleeping peacefully-not at all disturbed with my presence leaving her side. I speed downstairs and into the living room where the rest of my family but Edward was waiting. We all look up when we heard a door creak open and I just knew it was Edward checking up on Scarlet before he to made his way into the living room. I couldn't stop the grin spreading across my face at how smitten Edward was to Scarlet, especially with only knowing her a few days. I stopped at the thought knowing I'm usually a lot more cautious when it comes to a human trying to get close to my family or though it seems to just be only Alice and Edward with Bella, where one of my family got close with a human and should be worried with how quickly Edward has gotten attached to Scarlet 'When it came to Bella' I think bitterly-(even just the thought of her name aggravated me) 'It still took Edward awhile for him to try to get to know Bella better and willing to get close to her.' I think looking up at Edward I could see a lightness in his eyes that I've never seen before in the years I've known him.

The way he holds himself has even changed! I couldn't believe I'm only just noticing it now, but the way he stands; he doesn't look like his very existence is tormenting him anymore, he finally looks free of all the negativity I've always known for him to think about himself. How no matter what good deeds he may have done during his immortal life, just him being a vampire damned him, cancelling out all the life's he saved by drinking animal blood and all the pain suffered from trying to seem human and watching and experiencing through his power all of his other siblings fall in love throughout his immortal existence -the painful years of Edward having to go through the agonising pain we all had to see him go through with him being alone and thinking he didn't deserve to find love, when he was the most deserving. I couldn't stop the soft smile from my face knowing Scarlet has changed my brother without even knowing... changed him from the broken vampire to one that finally has hope... definitely changed him for the better.

Even if I wasn't close to Scarlet like I am, how could I deny my brother the one thing- even if she is human, that has brought him out of his self-loathing shell into someone not even Carlisle has seen. Me liking Scarlet is just an added bonus and less of a strain for the rest of the family to go through, knowing that each and everyone one of us approved of Edward's mate, brought us all closer from just one human.

Edward's POV

I start to make my way towards Rosalie's room to check on Scarlet and see if Rosalie's movement disturbed her before heading down for the family meeting that Carlisle has organised. Quietly opening the door I see Scarlet sleeping peacefully with a small smile across her face and wished not for the first time and certainly not for the last that I could see into Scarlet's mind, hear her every thought and to know what she may dream about. 'If they may be about me' I think wishfully before shaking my head and careful to not make any noise, closed the door and sped down the stairs and into the living room to see the rest of the family all sitting and waiting for me. I quickly take the empty space on the sofa and waited for Carlisle to begin.

"Now as we all know, Edward has if I may say finally found his true mate in Scarlet and know we need to all discuss whether it's advised to tell her what we are or wait for her to find out by herself, a downside to not telling her ourselves though could be that she may mistake us for human drinkers" Carlisle started, talking more to me than the rest of the family, knowing how much Scarlet means to me already and how devastated I would be if Scarlet thought I was a monster, like I've always thought myself as until recently... 'Until Scarlet came into my life' I think with a smile. "I would prefer telling her myself rather than waiting for her to discover us being vampires, that's if she even try's like Bella did" I say seemingly shocking the rest of my family with their thoughts all showing me that they thought I would want Scarlet to find out for herself like when it came to Bella. "Scarlet's nothing like Bella" I say strongly" She's not the type of person to pry into other people's lives, especially with only knowing us a few days" I added.

"I agree with Edward, Scarlet is genuine-she believes in developing people's trust and she's not the type of person to break any promises no matter what" Jasper says, I look over to him confused, before brief clips of Jasper and a little girl who just by looking at her, I knew to be Scarlet when she was little. 'You knew her when she was younger' I whispered astonished, shocking the rest of the family with what I found out, only now being able to catch Jasper's thoughts about Scarlet helping him through some type of struggle Jasper seemed to of suffered before his thought process changed. The rest of the family and I faced Jasper just waiting for him to spill how he knew Scarlet before the rest of us. 'Better yet, how did I never pick up on Jasper's thoughts about Scarlet' I think before looking up to where Rosalie's room was, where the girl in question was currently sleeping 'More pieces to a puzzle I can't wait to complete,' I think with a smirk.

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