Chapter 5: The New Hostess!

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A/N: Same day


Mei's POV

Kuto sat at a table, he looked as us. I smiled at him. He was by sweets eating chocolate cake.

"Wait hey boss..what if we.." Kaoru smirks

"Change the way we welcome the guest..."

"Huh?" I looked at them confused

"What do you mean?" Tamaki asked

"Well since we have our first Hostess. She should sit in the chair."

"Splendid Idea!" He cheers "twins do what you have to do!"

Soon we were positioned. I sat in the chair. Hikaru on my right and Kaoru to my left, holding each of my hand sitting on the arms of the chair. Kyoya was on the right behind leaning on the chair. Tamaki on my left and he leaned on the chair as well. Haruhi was directly behind the chair leaning forwards a tad.

"Now everyone follow our lead!" The twins chime the doors soon opened

"Welcome!" We all say as male and females stared in awe

"Ladies and now our Queen of the Club..." Hikaru says as he signals me to stand

As I still hold the twins hand they help me stand. They let go of my hand as I have them in front of me.

"Evening Princess and princes!" I give a clothes eyed smile bowing a little

"She's so gorgeous!" Girls and boys say

"Please care for our Queen. As she is now a Hostess for all of you!" The twins say pecking each side of my cheek I blush.

"Now who would like to request the Queen first? " Kyoya says taking a piece of my hair as it slides out of his hand, he also kisses my cheek.

Tamaki goes to my left and kisses my other cheek.  Haruhi comes and kisses my hand.

"We do!!" Girls squeal running to Kyoya.

Haruhi walked me my table. My cheeks were still red and my heart was beating fast.

"You did good. Welcome to the club." Haruhi chuckles

I giggle with her. Soon I have four girls sitting across from me.

They introduced themselves it was Rika, Annie, Sarahi, and Yuksaki.

"So why'd you join the club?"

"What type are you?"

"I heard you were a foster kid, is that true?"

"So Mei, what are you good at?"

"Well type, I don't know yet, but maybe you can tell me." I smirk which caused them to squeal.

"To join the club easy to entertain you beautiful women."

"So are you really a foster kid? Can you tell us about how you ended up a foster kid? Do you remember your parents?"

"Indeed I am a foster kid. There are nine others. We've been either dropped off, abused and taken away from that abused house, or are parents didn't want us." My expression sadden

"Which one are you from?"

I opened my mouth but clothes, I teared up a little.  I hated talking about what happened with my past. I hated what all of them had to go through.

"Mei! Please don't cry!" Rika say

"I'm okay. It's sad to think about it." I give them a smile as tears go down my cheeks

The go in awe. I didn't notice it went quiet and some were listening.

"My younger siblings..are amazing and so talented and they are amazing. They shouldn't ever have a past like they did. They intelligent kids. And I love them all." I still had a few tears running down my face

"I l-love yo-you too O-Onii-chan." Kuto says I smile picking him up setting him on my lap he uses his small hands and wipes my tears away and he hugs me.

I hug back, the girls squeal. He kisses me cheek. I set him down and he runs back for cake.

"That's Kuto. He's my little brother. He's kinda clingy to me and very shy and he stutters a lot." I smile looking at him seeing him eat cake kicking his legs.

I smile. I look at the girls.

"But I'm happy I have all of them or else I wouldn't be the person I am today."

"Umm it alright if we request you tomorrow? " Annie asked

"I'd love that!" I give them a clothes eyes smiled 

Once they left Tamaki ran to me hugging me.

"I can be your daddy!!!" He yells smuggling me

I push him off. Which caused me to trip over my bag and my things to fall out.

I rubbed my butt as I still sit on the ground

"No thanks!" I stand up dusting off

"Hey..are these your designs?" Hikaru asked looking at drawings

"Yes Hikaru those are mine. NOW DON'T LOOK AT MY STUFF!!" I yell snatching them back

"They were good. You have talent. Wait how'd you know I was Hikaru? " he asked

Hikaru's POV

"Idiot just because you and Kaoru are identical twins. Doesn't mean that you two are the same. You two are very different. " she smiles putting her stuff in her bag.

After club we had a meeting. Until like 7. Mei goes over to her brother and picks him up. I see he is asleep.

"See you all later. " she begins walking out

"Wait let us give you a ride!" Kaoru yells I shrug and run after her as well as Kaoru

We drive seeing her walking,  carrying her brother.

"Get in." We say pulling her in

The car ride was silent. I look over seeing she's asleep with Kuto in her lap.

Cute..wait what am I saying?

"Aye wake up Mei." I say shaking her a little.

Her eyes flutter open.

"Oh..umm thanks you two." She yawns.

She steps out. And begins to walk through that weird path.

We drove home.

Mei's POV

I walk home, seeing mom wasn't home. I go put Kuto in his room. I check on everyone seeing them asleep.

I go to the kitchen seeing the grilled cheese maker. And the whole kitchen was a mess. I yawn and begin to clean. I go to the living room and clean.  Then downstairs seeing games everywhere. I start to put them away.

After I finished cleaning I laid on the couch and fell asleep.



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