Chapter 20: River Students Have Arrived

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Mei's POV

It is  now Wednesday and I am able to attend school again. For the ones who are injured they are staying home and resting, Kyoya had hired two nurses to watch them and care for their needs. I wanted to punch him in the throat because of that, but I can't over power someone with a company..not yet at least. 

So today after school Yuzuha and I are having a meeting.

I had been wearing high waisted navy blue skinny jeans, with a black long sleeve shirt. I put black converse on.

"Wish my luck tink." I pet Tinker walking to school.

By the time I arrived, the bell rung.  I hurried to my class.

"I see Mei is still absent." I opened the door.

"Sorry I'm late Sensei." I smile at her.

"That is alright Mei. Go take your seat." I nod walking up to my seat, having my earbuds in.

As soon as the teacher was finished I watched as students walked around.

"All of these stupid spoiled rich kids.." I heard a female voice scoff.

I turn around seeing a girl with red and black hair, and not in uniform taking to a boy. Are they new?

"What are you looking at?" The boy asked looking at me

"Sorry! I haven't recognized you here before so I was confused." I bow

"Aren't you that model for Yuzuha?" The girl asked

"Yea." I sweatdrop a little.  

"This is Genji and I am Lelia." the girl, I mean Lelia says

"Mei Chikashi." I give a peace sign

"what company is Chikashi?" Genji asked

"Oh umm I am a low-commoner. I got here on scholarship. But the chairman payed for my business schools but I finished. So I'll be starting my own business of fashion. MC Designs. I am a foster child." 

"Foster couldn't be the ice princess. Could you?" Lelia asked squinting at me

"I used to ice skate with comps. My partner was Hayato."

"Holy Shit! You are Ice Princess! Xion is going to be happy."

"Xion?" I questioned

"Yeah he is in room A-1." Lelia says dragging me out of my desk.

"I know where that is, my friends Hikaru,Kaoru and Haruhi are in there." I smile starting to walk along the side of them

"Are friend Damian is in there as well or he could be at basketball tryouts." Genji says pulling out a book and begins to read

We soon arrived at the room A-1, we all walk in. Me being pushed in. Luckly the class was having freetime.

"Xion! You won't believe who we met!" Lelia chimes wrapping her arm around a male with silver hair and eyes.

"I don't care." He keeps looking downwards his pencil moving around

"We have Ice Princess in our class. And she is in here right now.." Lelia smirks

"What?! No way!!" He looks up at her and she points at me. He glances at me and just stares.

"I-It's really her...Holy shit!" He stands up and rushes towards me. He bows "Hello! I am Xion Arroyo! I am a huge fan of yours!" 

I giggle. "Nice to meet you Xion, you can call me Mei." 

He stands tall and smiles. 

"This is so awesome! I wish Damian was here! He wouldn't believe this!  Neither would Ryu or Lesedi." 

"I'd love to meet them but I have to go meet up with Yuzuha. She is helping me start my company." I wave bye walking away.


Yuzuha and I sat outside drinking coffee. Talking about business. 

"Alright I will have people come and design your company, to your liking. And of course equipment."

"Awesome, of course I will repay all the depth once I can." Her and I shake hands then we start gossiping.

"Is that Mei?" I turned seeing Genji, Lelia, Xion and three other boys.

"Oh hey Xion, Lelia, Genji." I wave at them

"Who are they?" Yuzuha whispered

"Kyoya told me they are from River Academy. They transferred to Ouran a few days ago."

Soon the small group was by the table I sat at.

"Mei this is Damian Maela, Lesedi King, and Ryu Hoshi. Boys this is the Ice Princess, Xion is a huge fan crush on. Mei Chikashi." 

"Evening boys, glad to meet all of you." I bow my head "Yuzuha, I'll see you tomorrow on set. I have to go meet my siblings at home." 

I stand up grabbing my things.

"Bye love!" Yuzuha chimes as I walk and Lelia and the boys follow.

"Wait siblings? I never knew you had siblings." Xion says shocked.

"Well I was the only child until my father...after family things came up, I was adopted by a women name Tina. and slowly as time passed I gained siblings. Recently our mother passed away. And so much happened."

"Have you ever tried finding your parents.." Lelia asked

I was silent..find my real parents.

"No..they left why would I ever want to search for someone who abandons a child at a young age.." I begin walking in the secret path to my house. 

"Where are we going?" Damian asked

"to my house." I kept walking soon my house came into view. All the kids were outside playing

"Onii!" Kuto smiles running to me I pick him up hugging him

After I got everyone together, I let them introduce themselves. 

"So is Chikashi your real last name?" Lelia asked

"no. But I don't remember my real last name." I start to cook dinner as my siblings hang out downstairs.

"Do you have anything related to your real parents." Lelia asked taking a sip of water

"Not that I know of.  If I do it is probably in my moms room somewhere." I finish dinner and start setting th etable

"well we should be going Mei."  Lelia stands up and beging to leave

I wave bye and sat at the table with my siblings eating.

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