Chapter 11: Glasses Confused Thoughts (part 4)

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Kyoya's POV

About 45 minutes zags Mei had walked in not saying a word. But she went straight to the bae window, she sat there dazing off. The sun shining on her porcelain skin. Her eyes seemed brighter but that was because of the lighting.


Hosting Hours came to an end. And I still had way to much taxes to do. So I better get home soon.

"Mei, are you ready to go?" I asked no answer I looked at her, she was still daydreaming, or in deep thoughts.

"Mei-chan!" Honey cheers standing by her nothing

"Mei? Are you alright?"the twins asked poking her

"Huh? Oh hey guys wassup?" She looks at us and smiles

"Host Club Hours are done." Haruhi chuckles

"Oh." She stands up fixing her dress, she then skips towards me. "Ready glasses?"

"Yes. Don't call me Glasses." I pack my bag and walk out hearing her heals click following.

We head to my mansion. She follows me around, her room was next to mine.  I let her relax in her room, I shortly hear classical music playing. As I worked I could hear it. Suddenly it stopped and she skips into my room.

"Need any help?" She asked

"No." I say suddenly she is across from me, she takes half the stack and a pen. And started working. I shrug doing taxes. Time passed I had finished, looking at Mei she was fast alseep. I grab the papers seeing they were finished.

I see her phone light up. Her lock screen had a male and her dressed in similar outfits, on what appears to be an ice rink.

I open chrome on my pineapple laptop. I search up Mei Chikashi. Videos and article popped up of her, and her nickname ice princess. She was a skater.  But why'd she stop, scrolling down the web. It said Another win for the ice princess. Ice Prince and Princess? Sudden quit? Will we ever see the princess on ice again?? Artical after artical.

I quickly closed my laptop when Mei, started moving and sitting up.

"Kyoya..can I sleep here? It's creepy by myself..."


"Pleaseeee" she sat by me wrapping her arms around me her face inches from mine, I felt my cheeks become warm. My stomach felt weird.

"I said no" I push my glasses up.  She sighs standing up going to my dresser I watch her pull out on of my silk navy blue button up shirts. She starts taking her clothes off I quickly turn away.

"Idiot, you couldn't change somewhere else?? And why my clothes?"I asked

"No I couldn't, and because guy clothes are comfy." She start moving , I turn seeing her jump on my bed in a large silk shirt. My silk shirt. No pants  but she had on black and blue girl boxers. I cleared my throat.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked she giggles

"Yep!" She popped the p. It was night already. I dim my lights taking my shirt off. I walk up to her. I go above her one of my legs between her legs. My hands on each side of her head. She looks at me.

"K-Kyoya?" She questions looking into my eyes

"Hey you stole my shirt..and you look quite appealing." I smirk without realizing it I was inches from her lips. Without thinking I got closer until a knock was on my door.

"Master Ootori, dinner is ready." A maid says through the door I move away.

"Food!" Mei jumps up, practically tripping she skips towards the door. I go after her before she walked out the door I pulled her back pinning her against the wall. Her face started turning crimson.

"Glasses.." she says her voice almost stutters out, she stayed quiet after awhile, her and my eyes stayed locked on each other. I close in on her lips, my lips on hers. They were soft. Wait what the hell am I doing. I quickly pull away.

"Sorry Mei." I apologize

"I..umm think I should go..and probably spend the night elsewhere." She quickly rushes out I hear next door shutting.

I'm an idiot why'd I even do that. This is Mei, she is nothing special. Yes she is intelligent and she is attractive..but nothing really sticks out.

I walk out seeing Mei walk out with her bag and I'm new clothes. Her and eye made eye contact. She quickly looked away and rushed out before I could say anything. I went to the dinning room and ate, watching Mei get picked up by the twins.

Why them? Why couldn't she go with Haruhi. Those devious twins would do something. And she's going to be spending the night at there place twice, I don't trust that. Especially since she steals large shirts. And wears them like how she does. They'll have a new toy!ugh this is annoying why should I even care..what am I saying I don't care!

It's only Mei. Mei Chikashi, beautiful long brown hair and green-blue eyes. Her laugh is warm,her smile is bright and beautiful. Her body is p- WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING!!! KYOYA OOTORI STOP THINKING!!!

I sigh going to my room after dinner, I brush my teeth and got to bed.

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