Chapter 6: Problems with the Night Shifts.

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Mei's POV

So I've been a Hostess for almost over a week. It gets a little weird. I learned today that Hikaru and Kaoru have their own game. It's called 'Which One of Us Hikaru.'
I don't see why they play it. If they want someone to figure out who is who,  they should show themselves as if they are different not the same. But whatever.

Today I actually can't make it to the Host Club. I have work. Yesterday I was hired to work at bakery.

Its cute, we make all types of sweet stuff. Today is my first day. Our uniform is a simple white t-shirt and black pants and a pink apron with the logo and my name tag.

"Mei. Ready to go?" Haruhi asked which made me come back to reality

"I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you, I'm not going to the Host Club today. I have to go to work." I give an awkward laugh

"Work? Why do you have to work if your mom already pays bills and the food." The twins say glancing at me

"It's for others in the house.  And plus I don't need to tell you why I got a job.."I stick my tongue out at them "well gotta go!"

I smile running out. See I'm also doing it for the Host Club.  My boss said that works get a discount on treats in the shop. And Honey loves sweets and I bet it cost a lot of money. And the extra money is going towards the kids. I'm running low on money for Lily's Ballet class. Jinji needs a new guitar. Ichiro and Minka are growing so need new clothes. All the kids need something. And I plan on getting it for them. Since they don't ask for much. Like Yuki he needs money for his soccer trip. Hiro I was going to get him a new laptop. Hazel wants to take choir lessons.

I just want the best for those kids, and I want them to have a great future.


"Mei, can you fill in for me? I have to go take my son to the ER he broke his wrist." Jane one of the workers asked grabbing her stuff

"Sure." I wave by and start making cupcakes.

As hours passed it became less busy. I am making  200 sample cupcakes. And decorate them just for the club, my boss said it was alright and if they are popular, he'll put them as a daily treat! So more cash coming towards me!

I have to come here before school, to decorate them. My boss said he could drop them off at my school, and that he'd send me a text to come help him.

But finally after the cupcakes were made and in cooling, it was 11:45pm. School ends at like 3:00ish. So I've been working 8 almost 9 hours. And I am exhausted.

I start walking home. By the time I arrived it was 12:10am. I unlock the door and see its clean and my moms stuff on the kitchen counter.

I smile and flop on the couch before falling to sleep instantly.


"Ei..Mei!" A voice yells loudly in my ear, I open my eyes

"What?" I growled seeing my mom annoyed as much as me

"Your alarm has been going off for 15 minutes." She yawns I look at my phone seeing I am behind schedule!!!

"Fuck!" I yell going downstairs I change into regular blue skinny jeans with a red t-shirt. I put my white vans on running to work.

I see my boss looking a little annoyed.

"You're late.." he huffs

"I'm sorry~" I fake cry and pout which makes him laugh.

He and I walked inside together. We grab the cupcakes. He helped me put marshmallows on the muffin part, we put broil on and shoved them in the oven. Shortly we take them out after breaking Hershey bars and finding bear grand-crackers. I  And stuck a piece of chocolate and bunny grand-cracker on it. I did it to them all.

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