Chapter 24: Monday Madness

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Mei's POV

I slip on a pair of blue jean shorts and a white tanktop, putting my hair in a low ponytail, and my grey ankle converse. I put my phone in my back pocket.

I walk upstairs seeing the kids eating. 

"Onii, you have mail!" Kuto say holding an envelope up in the air, I grab it.

"Thank you Kuto." I kiss his cheek, I grab a glass cup pouring orange juice in.

As I take a sip of the orange juice, I open the perfectly sealed white envelope. It showed no address. Just my name Mei, in perfect cursive. I pull out the paper inside, it smelt of a perfume. Unfolding the letter I begin to read.

My eyes went wide. My body was filling with all types of feelings.

"Kids time to go to school." I say keeping my feelings inside. 

"Sis is everything alright?" Yuki asked

"Yea. It's fine, I have some business to deal with." I give a smile, they all grabbed there backpacks. I dropped them off at their school/daycare. I hurried my way to school.

Making my way on grounds clenching the letter in my hand. Walking inside and up the stairs going down the long hallway. I see the Host Club talking, as I passed them I felt their gaze on my back. I walk into my classroom A-2. Seeing her.

"Lelia." I growl she looks at me her friends confused but a stupid smirk on her face. "You knew! You helped them! Why?!"

"I have no idea what you are talking about." She rolls her eyes still having that stupid grin on her face.

"Yes you do! Why didn't you tell me when you first found out who I was! Why didn't you tell me!" I felt as if I was going to cry because of the anger, at that point the whole class was silent, some other classrooms huddled around A-2. And right behind me was the Host Club..confused.

"Mei what's going on?" Kaoru asked I didn't look at him

"She..she's fake! You worked for my mother and my father.  And you told me nothing! I thought we were friends!"

"I don't see what the big deal is." she scoffs

"Thanks to you. My family is in trial because of you! You have no idea how much shit my family goes through you and now no thanks to you, I have to face two people who abandoned me. Lelia. You did something unforgivable."

Kyoya's POV

I watched Mei as her eyes were full of sadness and anger. Her body was trembling. Shortly after silence, classes had begun.  Mei was different. She wasn't focus. She seemed lifeless. 

Soon heavy footsteps were heard in the hallway. The door was slam opened. Police officers rushed in, there were 4 in total, they made there way towards Mei, me and Tamaki stood up two seconds after she did.

"Mei Chikashi. You are being under arrest. Any word you say will be used against you in court." One says taking out handcuffs.

"What?! I didn't even do anything!" She yells as they put her hands behind her back and handcuff her.

"What are you doing?" Lelia questioned standing up "Who ordered you to arrest Chikashi?" 

"Ms.Sedki. Your bosses told us too. I'd stand down if I were you." another growls which made Lelia take a step back

"Kyoya!Tamaki! Watch over my siblings..please." Mei yells as they push her out the door.

Everyone had rushed out in the hallway, even from other classes.  We watched as Mei held her head down low. Some followed all the way outside. And there stood two people, one male and one female.

" ice princess." the male smiles 

"who are you?" Mei growls staring at the couple

"I'm your father..and this is your mother. We are happy we finally found you!" He smiles "Now get in the car."

Quickly Mei jumps over her arms. Dangling the keys on her fingers.

She begins to run, we all rushed to the gates seeing the silver handcuffs on the ground and Mei running faster with police on her tail.

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