Chapter 14: Partner of the Ex Hostess.

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Mei's POV

After a short day or what it seemed at school, I had gotten picked up by Yuzuha, and is being brought to the studio. Ever since I became a model more people would talk to me and more confessions would happen, I even got a few girls. I mean I don't mind I'm technically bisexual.

For people who don't know what Bisexual means it's pretty much a person that could have sexually or any feeling with male or female. But I'm mostly on the straight side.

Yuzuha soon throws me in a dressing room with an outfit. Black shorts, with a maroon t shirt that showed a little of my belly, but when raising it it showed most of it but still covered my chest. I grabbed the white and black flannel tying it around my waist putting the all white converse on. I walk out. They straighten my hair.

"Okay so who is my partner..because damn she's taking forever. I have a life." A male voice growls his voice was low and scary and you'd think Glasses would be scary.

"H-He is here early!" Yuzuha flips soon taking a deep breath in and out, I stand up and start walking to where the inpatient male is awaiting me.

I walk out seeing a tall male with black hair and honey gold eyes. His face was serious. He wore a black t shirt. I could see all his muscles and oou damn, hot sexy damn. I snapped out of though he wore dark grey jeans and black shoes. He is fucking sexy.

I walk to the panicky workers. I rest my hand on the photographer Asuna.

"It's alright Asuna, you may go." I smile at her she sighs in relief and walks away as well as everyone else son Yuzuha walks to me.

"Sir this is your model partner Mei Chikashi." I smile and wave

"Wait Chikashi?" He scans me "you don't look like Mei. She didn't have a chest or.."

He looks behind me, his eyes were obviously on my butt.

"Do I know you? And I assure you I am the only Mei Chikashi in town. I've lived here all my life you jack." I growl glaring at him

"Woah, you are Mei! It's been a few years since I talked to you!!" He practically yelled in shock

I was taken back, do I know him? I think I'd remember someone as sexy as him.

"Umm do I know you?" I questioned

"Oh right p. I have changed more muscle, taller..guess a few things changed.." he mumbles "it's me Hayato Shiki."

Hayato Shiki...the toothpick, nerdy, short shy him a tall, muscular aka my old ice skating partner...that left without notice...left me alone, I was hurt. Physically and mentally. After losing my final competition because I was alone,  no light to guide me because he was gone. Mentally because I loved him.

"Do you still ice skate?" He smiles at me..that smile. He smiles?! He doesn't say sorry for leaving me not saying a god damn word. I was a mixture of angry and sadness.

"Y-You..You asshole!!" I yell I felt tears going down my cheeks.

"Mei, hun what's wrong?" Yuzuha asked me I ignored her

"You! You left me! You promised you'd always be there for me! But you left! On our final skating competition, you left!  Not knowing anything! And instead of apologizing you ask 'Do you still Ice Skate'.. your an idiot! If you were there..."

I couldn't say anything anymore, I was crying way to much. I just book it out the door. I run home, as soon as I walked into the house I went straight downstairs. The memories of that day flow to my head. Anger just kept building up.

I screams starting to break things.

"You fucking narcissistic jackass!!" I scream punching a hole in my wall. I fall to the floor and begin crying my eyes out.

"Umm okay?" I look up seeing Lily holding Ichiro and Hiro holding Minka. All of them standing there looking at me.

I sniff, standing up.

"Y-Yea. Sorry you guys..if I scared you. I gotta go to the bakery.." I begin walking kissing Ichiro and Minka "Be safe."

I begin walking to work, I walk inside seeing my boss.

"Hey Mei..woah are you alright? Take the day off.You look like you need it." I nod walking out, I begin walking around town. Letting my feet drag me wherever. 

I noticed that the sun was starting to go down. I just kept walking.  Which means I've been walking for hours..without realizing it.

"Mei!" I heard my voice in distance, soon I was in an embrace. Muscular arms, smells good. "Mei, I'm sorry. I didn't know you got badly injured on the last Comp. I'm sorry I left you with out saying anything..I was scared to tell you my best friend...that I was moving to America. It wasn't cool for me. It was a jackass move on my part. Please forgive me."


"I..forgive long as you never leave me alone..again."

"Never. I guess Mei is still scared of being alone." I could feel the smirk I turn around, grabbing his shirt

"Shut up you giant log." I glared into his eyes until he kissed my cheek. I punched him.

We went to a park and sat sat at a bench talking, catching up. Then he  dropped me off at home. He ended up coming inside, I lead him to the basement. I begin. Cleaning he helps.

"You can stay in here.. I got my room and fall asleep as soon as I hot the bed, it wasn't a deep sleep. I felt more warm until I was in a deep sleep.

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