Telling Lila

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"Soooooo... TELL ME ABOUT HIM" Lila said more eagerly than she was this morning.

"Lila how do you have so much energy at the end of the day? Don't your classes wear-" I stopped my sentence right there because I already knew the answer.  Plus she has her classic puppy dog face that she uses on Liam.

"Yea he's a good teacher"

"I don't care about his teaching skills.  I care about what his god given looks are"

"Lila you do know that genes are where looks deri- never mind." I said once again giving up.  "Yes he is an attractive man, but he's my teacher.  and that is all..."

Lila noticed my face turning a little peach color.  She could tell that there was more.  That I was holding back from telling things.

"S.P.I.L.L." She spelt out.  

"Okay fine."  I let out a heavy sigh.  I began describing Mr. Knight to Lila, and her jaw dropped. 

"Just thinking about this man is amazing." Lila said blushing

"Have a nice rest of the day ladies" Mr. Knight said as he walked by us, winking in my direction.  "And Miss Collins...don't forget that EXTRA homework assignment I gave you." He said smirking.

"OH. MY. GOD. Nani he totally has a thing for you."

"No he-"

"Nani don't argue about this please.  You have to flirt back!"

"Lila he is a teacher.  That's not allowed"

"Whatever" Lila said rolling her eyes.  "I'm just saying that if he likes you and you blush about him then-"

"Lila that's not allowed. And he knows that too."

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