Day 2 Could Only Be Better

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Today I made sure I was a little bit early. I didn't even bother going by my locker this morning, mainly because I didn't want to be pestered by Lila about flirting with Mr. Knight. But also because I did not want to write another paper on why I was late. Luckily on this one I told a little lie and made it seem as if I had missed the bus to get to school on time.

I walked into the classroom to find that Mr. Knight was the only one there so far. He had set out a bin for the homework that he had assigned last night. I placed my homework assignment in the bin on his desk. Then I asked him where I should put the extra assignment.

"I'll take that separately" He said while holding out his hand.

As I placed the paper in down our hands touched. I felt shivers down my spine. There was a sensation inside of me that I couldn't control.

This was my teacher I'm talking about. Get it together Nani.

I looked at Mr. Knight and he noticed my bushing.

"Cute..." He winked.

Was he flirting? Was Lila right? Maybe I should flirt back.

"Thank you. You're very-" I was cut off by Ms. Kellers opening the door and walking in.

"Hi Luca, a few of the teachers are going out for a drink tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come along with us?" Ms. Kellers asked.

I could feel my face getting red out of jealousy. Why am I getting like this? I'm not with my teacher. I smiled at Ms. Kellers and took my seat.

Mr Knight reluctantly responded "sure. what time?"

"7 at Miller's."

"Yea I'll see you there Marisa"

Then she walked out.


Oh no. I do have a crush on my teacher. Day 2 was not getting better. Ms. Kellers basically asked Mr. Knight out on a date, and he agreed. Ugh there goes my chance of flirting with him.

The bell rang before I had even noticed that all the other students in my class had found their seats. Mr. Knight began his lesson.

"Today we will begin our lesson into distributions. Can I have five students here please?" He paused and waited for two people to just jump up in excitement to participate, but let's be honest no one did. Not this early, and not senior year.

"Okay Miss Collins come here."

The way he said come here made me shake. It was so demanding yet so innocent and simple.

"Yes sir" I said getting up. He bit his lip.

"Mr. Burke, you as well". Kyle Burke was a good friend of mine since last year. His parents also got divorced last year, but for financial reasons. He helped me get through last year along with Mr. Kinley.

Then three more students popped up and walked to the front of the classroom.

He arranged us from tallest to smallest, with me being the smallest standing on the left.

"Okay class," Mr. Knight began, "See how the smallest person is on the left. This is what we call a left skew distribution. If we were to flip it," He said motioning for us to flip sides, "then it would be a right skew. And lastly," he then rearranged us with me standing in the middle, "this is a mound distribution. These are how we will describe the distributions that I give from now on. The five of you can sit down"

He then explained the rest of SOCS, "which stands for shape, outlier, center, and spread. Remember that because it will be on the pop quiz sometime this week"

The bell rang and I wasn't anywhere close to being packed up. Mr. Knight walked over to me and leaned down and said "I'll write you a pass no need to rush darling".

I gulped a little because of what he had just called me. 'Darling'? Seriously? I mean I wasn't opposed to him flirting with me. Maybe my chance of flirting with him wasn't completely out the window.

The rest of the class walked out and I walked up to Mr. Knight's desk for my pass. He handed it to me and our hands once again touched sending a shock throughout my body. However, this time I could see that it gave him a reaction too.

"So you didn't get to finish what you were saying about me before Ms. Kellers walked in before class." He smirked at me. God I loved that smirk. It was so sexy and made me melt for him.

"Oh I was just saying that you," I crossed my legs and put my hands behind my back out of nervousness, "you're well very handsome Mr. Knight."

"Am I now Miss Collins?" He stood up and I saw how well the shirt he was wearing made his body look.

"Yes sir". He bit his lip again.

"Careful how you use that term darling. It could get you into some trouble." He winked at me.

I couldn't tell if he was flirting or telling me to back off.

Then Mr. Knight leaned in to hand me the pass and whispered in my ear, "You better get to class Miss Collins."

I could feel his warm breath pass by me and it took so much power within me to not kiss him right at that instant. But I didn't. I took the pass and walked out.


I walked into Mr. Kinley's class handed him the pass and realized that a few girls were staring at me. I gave them a look and they looked away laughing to each other.

Whatever, I thought to myself. They don't matter.

I could feel my face was flushed, and that people were looking at me again.

"Nani, are you okay?" Mr. Kinley asked.

It all sounded a little bit fuzzy. The classroom started to spin a little, then plop! I was on the ground and had fainted.

The next thing I remember is being in the clinic.


The nurse asked me if I had a ride home and I said "well I have my car" and she quickly responded with "You will not be driving home in this condition."

"That's okay I'll take her home." I heard from the side of the room. I turned my head slowly and to my surprise it was Mr. Knight standing there. There was no one else in the room besides him, the nurse, and myself so it had to have been him that said that.

I smiled and said thanks.

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