Darling...That's From Me

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I slowly opened my eyes and turned over into Luca's chest.  He wrapped his strong arms around me and gave me a kiss on the the top of my head.  

"Good morning beautiful"  He gave me another kiss on my head.  I looked up at him, then he snuck in a little peck on my lips.  However, I gladly gave him a kiss back.

"Good morning handsome"  I giggled.  

"You slept like a baby last night all snuggled up in my arms."  Giving me another kiss, this time on my cheek, he continued to say, "It was precious."

We laid there for a bit, maybe around 10 or 15 minutes without saying anything.  Then Luca started to get up.  "I have some things to grade for one of my classes."  He paused and bit his lip as I slid the covers back up over my naked body.  "But you can stay in bed until....well until you're ready."  He winked, threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, then walked downstairs to his study.

Tie I'm ready?? What did that mean?  

I laid there and decided to text Lila for a bit.  

"Hey Li, You'll never guess what happened last night!!! (;"

"You had sex" She responded immediately.

"Okay how'd you know so quickly?"

"You put a winky face and last night you were with Luca.... dude I may not be the brightest student, but give me some street smart creds lol"

"I want details." She double texted.

"Of course.  I'll call you later." I sent as the final text of our convo.

I guess I was "ready" as Luca put it, so I started to get up and move.  I sat up on the side the bed and slipped on a pair of panties I had at his house, then moved my way over to his closet where I grabbed a button down that I slipped on and buttoned just a few times so when Luca saw me he would want me again right then and there.  

As I started to walk something felt funny.  I walked into Luca's study and slowly made my way over to him.  I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.  "Whatcha grading?"

"Just some calculus quizzes.  You'll take this in college darling". He gave me a kiss on the cheek, then he smirked.  "How you feeling?"

"Good.  Why?"  He kissed me on the cheek. 

"Oh...that's good."  He said confused, almost disappointed.

"Well actually I felt a little weird when I was walking down here."

He looked up at me.  "Yeah?"

"Yea it sort of hurt to walk, but I'm sure it's just from dehydration"

He smirked and chuckled.  "Darling..." then paused, kissed me on the cheek, and whispered into my ear. "That's from me..."



Okay Hi please please please don't hate me for not writing in literally forever!  I have been so stressed and dealing with a lot of personal stuff!  I promise I'm going to get back to writing and publishing more often!  I know the chapter is short but I hope you like it!

Thank you guys for reading!  Make sure you share!


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