Monday Morning Mischief

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            Monday came back around and Luca and I were on our way to school...super early because of course he had to be there super early. I couldn't get too mad with him though because he looked so handsome. Luca always dressed up for school. We pulled up to our normal corner where he dropped me off before school, took a look around to see if anyone would see us, then he kissed me on the cheek, and I got out of the car. I started walking to the school and Luca went to go park in the teacher's lot.

I reached the school and then walked to my locker to grab some stuff before heading over to Luca's room. I didn't see Lila this morning because she had cheer practice before school. Homecoming was coming up and they had to make sure that their performances were perfect for the pep rally, the parade, and the homecoming game. Because of this they were practicing in both the mornings and afternoons.

I walked over to Luca's room and walked in. He must of either ran to the restroom or gone to the teachers' lounge for a cup of coffee because he wasn't sitting at his desk. I thought it was weird he left the door open when he left though. Oh well. I wanted to surprise Luca with something and we only had half an hour before class started, but wasn't sure what I could do.

Then it hit me. I slipped off my underwear from under my skirt, put them in my backpack, and crossed my legs. I'd let him see this little surprise at some point during the class.

Luca walked back in just as I was pulling out my notebook for class.

"Early and prepared? Improvement Missy." He said while winking at me.

I blew a little kiss back to him and he blushed.

Kids began to enter the class and finally the bell rang. Luca stood up from his desk and began writing on the board. He always gave morning problems for us to try on the material that we had learned the day before. Honestly it was rather helpful. I opened my notebook to begin working but was interrupted by Luca talking, so I looked up to listen to him.

"Good morning everyone. Here are today's problems and then we will begin the lesson. You will have a quiz on this material on Friday so please start to study and if you need help let me know." Luca walked back to his desk after saying this. After everyone was working for a minute, Luca looked up and around the room. I thought this might be a good time, so I slightly opened my legs for him to see. As he was looking around the room he came to a stop on me and I saw him raise his eyebrows in surprise, then smirked a little. He definitely saw it.

I smiled softly then kept working on the morning problems. After about 10 minutes of working, Luca stopped the class and said, "Okay let's go over these quickly then we can move on to the lecture."

He went over the problems and asked if there were any questions, but no one raised their hands. "Okay I guess that means everyone will get a 100% on the quiz on Friday" and looked at me again when he said this. I smiled at him for that little remark.

Luca began to explain the next lesson. We started to learn about standard deviation this week.

"We will begin standard deviation work today. Can anyone define standard deviation for me?" He asked the class.

And to his surprise I raised my hand.

"Yes, Nani"

"It's a measure of spread used to determine the distance from the mean." While saying this I slowly began to spread my legs. I could tell he was holding back from biting his lip. I had him turned on and I was enjoying this.

"Good." He said abruptly and flustered.

Luca didn't look at me for the rest of the class period. He knew that if he did he was going to get more of the same from me.

The bell finally rang and I began to pack up because I knew I needed to run by the restroom to put my panties back on before my next class started. But before I got packed up entirely I heard Luca say, "Nani, please stay for a minute. We need to discuss your tutoring for the week." Crap I forgot about that. Stupid not paying attention is coming to bite me in the butt.

Once everyone left Luca shut the door. "What was that darling?!"

I just giggled. But what Luca said next I didn't find so funny.

"If you want to have a little Monday morning mischief you can deal with it all day. Hand them over."

"Hand what over?" I questioned.

"Your panties. I know you put them on this morning because I couldn't keep my eyes off you and how lacey they were."

I reached into my bag and handed them over to him reluctantly.

"You better hope you keep those legs closed the rest of the day darling." He kissed my cheek.

"Well did I turn you on least?" I asked as I began to walk to the door.

"Oh, it took everything in me not to end class and have you take me right over this desk."

"Maybe later in tutoring..." I said, as I winked and walked out the door, racing to my next class.

The rest of the day was going to be fun....

Luckily the rest of my day went on with no troubles and I was going to get my panties back from Luca.

So I thought. 

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