Getting Ready

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Okay so let me just start off with, I do not know how you girls do this.  Getting ready is exhausting!

Earlier on today I googled how to have a good time getting ready for a party, and I know I couldn't do this every weekend like some of these girls do.

This took some major effort.  

Between having the right music playing while I was doing my hair. 

Having the right color makeup.

Having the right hair style.

Having to shave your legs.

Having to have your eyebrows done right.

Having the right outfit.

Holy crap this was exhausting. 

And I haven't even gotten to the party yet.


After about 2 1/2 hours of getting ready 'the right way' I finally heard my phone go off.

 A message popped up from Luca that read 

'So are you going to show me what you look like before you go out?'

I blushed. And sent him a picture. 

A message popped up with the red angry face emoji.  

'Oh I don't think so missy' Another text popped up.

I responded with 'Luca, I'm yours.  Calm down'

Then he quickly answered 'Fine, but I get to take it off of you afterwards (;'

I blushed.

'Deal.' I responded.


The clock read 8:10, and the address Abigail gave me was 25 minutes away so it would be just about the right timing to where I wouldn't be too late, but I wouldn't be the first one there.  

I walked out to my car and put the address into my fully charged phone like Luca had asked me to do.  I mean he was going to be seeing me later tonight apparently.

I started driving, and became a little nervous.  

I was actually about to go to my first high school party.

I pulled up to the address and parked my car, walked up to the front door and stood there. 

Do I ring the doorbell? Do I just walk inside?  What now?

Then some girls walked up behind me and opened the door so I followed them inside.

This place was insane....

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