The Day Of

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The next morning came around and I woke up alone in bed. I figured I would because when I saw the clock read 9 am, I knew Luca would be up and doing things already. I rolled out of bed and started walking downstairs, however when I got down to the kitchen I found no one there. I started wandering around the mansion. All this week, when I stayed here, Luca was in the kitchen cooking breakfast when I got downstairs. I really didn't know this place all too well. We really spent most of our time in the kitchen, living room, study hall, or sleeping. I circled the downstairs but there was no Luca to be found there either. I started to walk upstairs to continue my search, but when as I climbed the steps I heard music coming from the other side of the upstairs, opposite of where Luca's bedroom is. I mean you would think a little girl walking upstairs following sounds of music in a mansion where she doesn't really know her way around, would be more of something you would see in a horror film. But it wasn't. I walked into the room where the music was coming from to find Luca working out.

I just stood there gawking at his amazing body. Then he set the bar down and sat up and saw me. I slowly walked over to him and he grabbed me around my hips and pulled me down onto his lap. He was so demanding in doing so, which turned me on so much.

"Good morning beautiful" He said and kissed my cheek. "Sleep well?"

I nodded.

"So I got a call this morning about you"

Wait what...Oh my god. My mind started racing. What could Luca possibly be getting calls about me for?

I gulped, but he pulled my tighter.

"Go get dressed and I'll take you to find out." I got up very confused. And as I turned around to walk out Luca gave my ass a little tap. I quickly spun around after feeling his hand leave me, and he just bit his lip and said "Oops couldn't help myself". I rolled my eyes because I knew what that did to him, and he jolted up but before he could get too close I put my hand on his chest to stop him. "Oops couldn't help myself." Then I slightly pushed him away, and walked back to his room to get dressed.

Because my father came home to my mom, I've been sneaking in and out of the house to get clothes and things I need. Luckily I haven't been caught, but it's getting pretty close now. Yesterday, when I snuck in to get my things for the weekend, mom pulled into the driveway for lunch.

I hadn't a clue where we were going, so I threw on a pair of Lulu shorts and a matching shirt, a pair of black tennis shoes, and tossed my hair up in a ponytail. I walked downstairs to find Luca standing there ready to go.

"Okay where are we going?" I asked, as he took my hand and we walked out to his car.

We got into the car and Luca started driving.

After 15 minutes of driving I asked again "Luca where are we going?" But once again no answer from him.

We finally pulled up to our destination.

"Luca....why are we at the hospital?" I looked at him confused. "Did my mom call you?!? Please tell me that is not why we are here."

He leaned over and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Come on. Let's go inside, and I'll let the doctor tell you the news."

We got out of the car and he held my hand that wasn't casted.

When we walked inside the nurse knew who I was right away. She said "Follow me. Dr. McClendon is waiting for you in a room."

So I did as she said. When she opened the door, there he was sitting there. Things were very awkward when I first walked in because he had been seeing my mom, but I wasn't sure if she had told him that my father was back.

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