There was no answer.

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"Oh from you Huh?" I laughed a little at his comment.

"Want me to make it worse?"  He said smirking at me.

I just shook my head no, even though I knew sex was an option I didn't want to take it every chance I got.  I didn't want Luca to get tired of me.  

He grabbed me around my waist and pulled me onto his lap where he was sitting at his desk.  While I was sitting there he continued to grade the papers. After about 7 or 8 more he finally clicked his pen closed and put the papers back into the folder he had set out that had to word 'calculus' written across it.  Then Luca turned to me and kissed my cheek.  "How does some breakfast sound darling?"

"I would love that."

Luca began to cook, and I sat down at the countertop.  As he stirred the pancake mix he said to me, "So I was thinking that you have a test coming up soon and probably should be studying for it considering how you did on your last quiz."  Then mouthed the word help a bunch of times.  He laughed afterwards, but I knew he was being serious.  

"Yea I guess you're right.  I should study some for it.  I also need to work on a paper I have for Lit coming up."  

"Well I hope you're better at Lit than you are at math."  He laughed at his own joke, that I really didn't find too amusing.  I rolled my eyes at him.  "Careful darling...."

I pulled out my notes from my backpack.  We had been studying scatter plots and correlation.  My notes weren't very organized because I could barely pay attention in Luca's class.  So often I was staring at him and dreaming of our future together.  I started to zone out and think of that again, of how our future together was going to be perfect with no kinds of issues that plenty of other couples had.  I mean obviously we would have our fights here and there, but nothing ever so bad we would have feelings of hate towards each other.  

"Let me see your notes to see if I can help at all."  Luca said sternly.  Oh, he knew my notes weren't any good.

"Luca that's okay.  I have this study guide you gave us, and that's really helpful."  I smiled.

He gave me a face and said, "Well when you're done I'll check it for you.  It will be good practice for both of us then."

I nodded, then looked down at the first question.  Then the second. Then the third.  Then the fourth. And fifth. And sixth.  Crap.  I didn't know how to do any of these.  Luca had been cooking breakfast so he didn't realize how little I had been doing.  I maybe answered 3 or 4 questions out of 30.  Ugh he was going to be so upset with me.

"Alright the pancakes are finished!"  He set down the plate and brought me a coffee.  "You know you've been awfully nice this morning without your coffee.  Something happen last night that put you in a good mood?" He said smirking and then kissed my cheek.

I giggled and dug into the pancakes.  They are my favorite food.  

After we finished, Luca took up our plates and washed them off in the sink.  Then he walked back over and held out his hand.  I placed my hand on top of his thinking that's what he was asking for.  It wasn't.  "As much as I love holding your precious hands, I was asking for your study guide. You had plenty of time to finish while I was cooking."  Nervously I handed it to him.

He raised his eyebrows.   "Why are so many of these blank Nani?"

"Well I didn't have time to get to all of them."  I lied.

" answered 4 questions of 30."  He sounded disappointed.  "Give me your notes."

I slumped into my chair, and slid the notebook over to him.  He opened it up and saw that I had barely written anything on the chapters that the test would be covering.

He tossed the notebook back onto the table, and walked away.  I heard a door shut.  I knew that I had just hurt Luca because I wasn't paying attention to my schoolwork, specifically that of which he was teaching me.

Tears began to roll down my face slowly.  I didn't mean to hurt him.  

It had been about 15 minutes since Luca had left the room and I heard the door shut.  After sitting there and thinking of how disappointed Luca was in me, I decided to get up and go find him.  

I walked to his study and the door was shut.  I knocked, but there was no answer.  "Luca?"  I called for him.  No answer.  I tried again a few moments later, but once again no answer.  "Luca...I'm sorry."  I said with my voice trembling while trying to hold back more tears.  I knocked one final time and one final time there was no answer.  

I gave up.  I ran away crying and went up to his room, slamming the door behind me.  I hope he heard it.  I ripped off the shirt of his that I had on, threw it across the room, and put on a pair of nike running shorts and a t-shirt of mine that I had.  Tears were falling from my face rapidly.  I couldn't control my emotions of sadness.  I crawled into bed, crying.  

I loved Luca, and I never wanted to hurt him.



Hi all!!! OMG I missed writing!  But now that things have slowed down a bit I promise I'm going to get back into it!!!  I hope you enjoyed even though this chapter has a little bit of a sad ending!  Keep checking in to see what happens next with Luca and Nani (Their couple names are gross so I'm keeping them apart haha).


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