I Survived...sorta

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Okay so dinner wasn't bad at all actually.  I thought it was going to be a train wreck but turns out that Mom was on board. 

My alarm went off and I rolled over on my side and hit the snooze button on my phone.  It was way too early to be getting out of bed.  I knew it was Monday, but still come on...a 7:15 start time for school was ridiculous.  

But before I knew it Mom opened my door with a smiling face but in a stern tone said "Nope.  Get your ass out of bed Miss Nani."  

I groaned, and she responded with "I am not joking around Nani...GET. UP."

Okay I could tell she was getting irritated now and I didn't want to piss her off after having  stressful night, although in the end it turned out okay.

I got up and turned off the alarm on my phone so it wouldn't go off again and went and brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and then threw it up in a messy bun.  Honestly, on Monday's no one cares what you are wearing because no one wants to be there.  I put on a sports bra, big t-shirt and a pair of nike shorts, then I walked downstairs to find my mom cooking breakfast.

I gave her a confused look and said "What is all this?  Don't you have work?"

As she stirred the eggs she was making a little she said "Well actually I am going in a little bit later today because Michael is working with my schedule so I can be home a little bit more with you."  She gave me a quick smile then kept cooking.

I sat down at the table and started scrolling through my Instagram feed.  It then dawned upon me that I didn't ever take the time to see if Luca had social media.  So I searched his name into the Instagram search box and saw that his name had a blue check mark next to it.  I gasped a little and Mom turned around and said "What's wrong?"

I just shook my head no.

She finally finished and handed me the plate with eggs, a couple pieces of bacon, and a piece of toast with jam on it.  I barely ate any of what my mom had prepared because all I could think about was how Luca was verified on Instagram.  I mean I knew his family had money, but what did he do to get verified...

Then out of no where a text popped up on my phone from him, "Good morning darling.  Hope our dinner last night didn't take away from your studying for my quiz"

Crap...That was this morning.  I knew I was going to fail.  Great.

I looked at the clock and it read "6:45".  If I left right now I could manage to study a little bit before class started.  

I got up from the table and grabbed my backpack. "I hope you aren't going in early to flirt with Mr. Knight, Nani.  The two of you need to -"

I cut her off by finishing the sentence.  "be careful". I finished. "I know. I know."  I started walking out the door and said "Love you Mom.  I'll see you tonight."

While I was walking out Mom shouted to me "Good luck on your test."


My drive to school was quick and painless.  When I got there I saw that Lila was waiting by the front doors for me.  I walked over to her, because I was being polite, but I really needed to go study for this test.

I saw a big grin on her face and could tell she had a story to tell me.  I really didn't have time for this.  I walked up to her and she grabbed my hand and drug me inside to our lockers.  Great.  Now I really wasn't going to get to study.  

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